Methodologies for quantifying project benefits are a key component of all Verra standard programs. All methodologies undergo a rigorous review and transparent stakeholder consultation process to ensure they meet the rules and requirements of each program.
VCS Program Methodologies
Methodologies are essential to quantifying real and accurate greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits of a project and to generate Verified Carbon Units (VCUs). Methodologies provide requirements and procedures to determine project boundaries, identify the baseline, assess additionality, monitor the relevant parameters, and ultimately quantify the GHG emission reductions or removals.
Methodologies often refer to modules or tools, which include specific methodological tasks and analyses (e.g., additionality) that are used in conjunction with the methodology.
The VCS Program has its own methodologies that have been approved for use.
VM0001 Refrigerant Leak Detection, v1.2
VM0003 Methodology for Improved Forest Management through Extension of Rotation Age, v1.3
VM0005 Methodology for Conversion of Low-Productive Forest to High-Productive Forest, v1.2
VM0006 Methodology for Carbon Accounting for Mosaic and Landscape-scale REDD Projects, v2.2
VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework (REDD-MF), v1.7
VM0008 Weatherization of Single-Family and Multi-Family Buildings, v1.1
VM0010 Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.4
VM0011 Methodology for Calculating GHG Benefits from Preventing Planned Degradation, v1.0
VM0012 Improved Forest Management in Temperate and Boreal Forests (LtPF), v1.2
VM0015 Methodology for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation, v1.1
VM0016 Recovery and Destruction of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) from Products, v1.1
VM0018 Energy Efficiency and Solid Waste Diversion Activities within a Sustainable Community, v1.0
VM0019 Fuel Switch from Gasoline to Ethanol in Flex-Fuel Vehicle Fleets, v1.0
VM0025 Campus Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, v1.0
VM0033 Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration, v2.1
VM0034 Canadian Forest Carbon Offset Methodology, v2.0
VM0035 Methodology for Improved Forest Management through Reduced Impact Logging v1.0
VM0036 Methodology for Rewetting Drained Temperate Peatlands, v1.0
VM0038 Methodology for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems, v1.0
VM0042 Improved Agricultural Land Management, v2.1
VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production, v1.1
VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications, v1.1
VM0046 Methodology for Reducing Food Loss and Waste, v1.0
VM0047 Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation, v1.0
VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, v1.0
VM0049 Carbon Capture and Storage, v1.0
VM0050 Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switch Measures in Cookstoves, v1.0
VMR0004 Improved Efficiency of Fleet Vehicles, v2.0
VMR0007 Revision to AMS-III.AJ.: Recovery and Recycling of Materials from Solid Wastes, v1.0
VMR0008 Revision to AMS-III.BA.: Recovery and Recycling of Materials from E-waste, v1.0
VMD0002 Estimation of carbon stocks in the dead-wood pool (CP-D), v1.1
VMD0003 Estimation of carbon stocks in the litter pool (CP-L), v1.0
VMD0004 Estimation of stocks in the soil organic carbon pool (CP-S), v1.0
VMD0005 Estimation of carbon stocks in the long-term wood products pool (CP-W), v1.1
VMD0011 Estimation of emissions from market-effects (LK-ME), v1.1
VMD0013 Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass burning (E-BPB), v1.2
VMD0014 Estimation of emissions from fossil fuel combustion (E-FFC), v1.0
VMD0015 Methods for monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (M-REDD), v2.2
VMD0016 Methods for stratification of the project area (X-STR), v1.2
VMD0017 Estimation of uncertainty for REDD project activities (X-UNC), v2.2
VMD0018 Methods to Determine Stratification, v1.0
VMD0019 Methods to Project Future Conditions, v1.0
VMD0020 Methods to Determine Project Boundaries, v1.0
VMD0021 Estimation of Stocks in the Soil Carbon Pool, v1.0
VMD0022 Estimation of Carbon Stocks in Living Plant Biomass, v1.0
VMD0023 Estimation of Carbon Stocks in the Litter Pool, v1.0
VMD0024 Estimation of Carbon Stocks in the Dead Wood Pool, v1.0
VMD0025 Estimation of Woody Biomass Harvesting and Utilization, v1.0
VMD0026 Estimation of Carbon Stocks in the Long-Lived Wood Products Pool, v1.0
VMD0027 Estimation of Domesticated Animal Populations, v1.0
VMD0028 Estimation of Emissions from Domesticated Animals, v1.0
VMD0029 Estimation of Emissions from Non-CO2 GHGs from Soils, v1.1
VMD0030 Estimation of Emissions from Power Equipment, v1.0
VMD0031 Estimation of Emissions from Burning, v1.0
VMD0032 Estimation of Emissions from Activity-Shifting Leakage, v1.0
VMD0033 Estimation of Emissions from Market Leakage, v1.0
VMD0034 Methods for Developing a Monitoring Plan, v1.0
VMD0036 Global Commodity Leakage Module: Effective Area Approach, v1.0
VMD0037 Global Commodity Leakage Module: Production Approach, v1.0
VMD0038 Campus Clean Energy Efficiency Campus-Wide Module, v1.0
VMD0039 Campus Clean Energy Efficiency LEED-Certified Buildings Module, v1.0
VMD0040 Leakage from Displacement of Grazing Activities, v1.0
VMD0044 Estimation of emissions from ecological leakage (LK-ECO), v1.1
VMD0047 Performance Method for Reduced Impact Logging in East and North Kalimantan v1.0
VMD0049 Activity Method for Determining Additionality of Electric Vehicle Charging Systems, v1.0
VMD0054 Module for Estimating Leakage from ARR Activities, v1.0
VMD0055 Estimation of Emission Reductions from Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation, v1.1
VMD0056 CO2 Capture from Air (Direct Air Capture), v1.0
VMD0057 CO2 Transport for CCS Projects, v1.0
VMD0058 CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers and Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, v1.0
VT0002 Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in IFM Project Activities, v1.0
VT0003 Tool for the Estimation of Uncertainty for IFM Project Activities, v1.0
VT0005 Tool for measuring above ground live forest biomass using remote sensing, v1.0
VT0007 Unplanned Deforestation Allocation (UDef-A), v1.0
VT0008 Additionality Assessment, v1.0
VT0009 Combined Baseline and Additionality Assessment, v1.0
VT0010 Emissions from Electricity Consumption and Generation, v1.0
In addition, projects seeking registration in the VCS Program that comply with all VCS Program rules may use selected methodologies from other approved GHG programs, including Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies and Climate Action Reserve (CAR) protocols.
The following CDM and CAR methodologies are active in the VCS Program and may be used, if projects comply with all VCS Program rules and requirements. Projects can only be listed on the VCS registry if they are not excluded from the VCS Program in accordance with Table 1 of the latest version of the VCS Standard.
- ACM0001: Flaring or use of landfill gas
- ACM0002: Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
- ACM0003: Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture
- ACM0006: Electricity and heat generation from biomass
- ACM0007: Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation
- ACM0008: Abatement of methane from coal mines
- ACM0009: Fuel switching from coal or petroleum fuel to natural gas
- ACM0010: GHG emission reductions from manure management systems
- must be used with Clarification issued on July 5, 2024
- ACM0011: Fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation
- ACM0012: Waste energy recovery
- ACM0014: Treatment of wastewater
- ACM0016: Mass Rapid Transit Projects
- ACM0017: Production of biofuel
- ACM0018: Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants
- ACM0022: Alternative waste treatment processes
- AM0009: Recovery and utilization of gas from oil fields that would otherwise be flared or vented
- AM0023: Leak detection and repair in gas production, processing, transmission, storage and distribution systems and in refinery facilities
- AM0026: Methodology for zero-emissions grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources in Chile or in countries with merit order based dispatch grid
- AM0028: N2O destruction in the tail gas of Caprolactam production plants
- AM0036: Use of biomass in heat generation equipment
- AM0059: Reduction in GHGs emission from primary aluminium smelters
- AM0064: Capture and utilisation or destruction of mine methane (excluding coal mines) or non mine methane
- AM0070: Manufacturing of energy efficient domestic refrigerators
- AM0072: Fossil Fuel Displacement by Geothermal Resources for Space Heating
- AM0073 – GHG Emission Reductions Through Multi-site Manure Collection and Treatment in a Central Plan
- must be used with C&C AM0073 (18July2024) (see announcement)
- AM0080: Mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions with treatment of wastewater in aerobic wastewater treatment plants
- AM0090: Modal shift in transportation of cargo from road transportation to water or rail transportation
- AM0124: Hydrogen production from electrolysis of water
- AMS-I.A.: Electricity generation by the user
- AMS-I.B.: Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy
- AMS-I.C.: Thermal energy production with or without electricity
- AMS-I.D.: Grid connected renewable electricity generation
- AMS-I.F.: Renewable electricity generation for captive use and mini-grid
- AMS-I.L.: Electrification of rural communities using renewable energy
- AMS-II.C.: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for specific technologies
- AMS-II.D.: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for industrial facilities
- AMS-II.J.: Demand-side activities for efficient lighting technologies
- AMS-II.S.: Energy efficiency in motor systems
- must be used with the Clarification issued on December 19, 2023
- AMS-III.AO.: Methane recovery through controlled anaerobic digestion
- AMS-III.AQ.: Introduction of Bio-CNG in transportation applications
- AMS-III.AR.: Substituting fossil fuel based lighting with LED/CFL lighting systems
- AMS-III.AV.: Low greenhouse gas emitting safe drinking water production systems
- AMS-III.B.: Switching fossil fuels
- AMS-III.BM.: Lightweight two and three wheeled personal transportation
- AMS-III.C.: Emission reductions by electric and hybrid vehicles
- AMS-III.D.: Methane recovery in animal manure management systems
- must be used with Clarification issued on July 5, 2024
- AMS-III.E.: Avoidance of methane production from decay of biomass through controlled combustion, gasification or mechanical/thermal treatment
- AMS-III.F.: Avoidance of methane emissions through composting
- AMS-III.G.: Landfill methane recovery
- AMS-III.H.: Methane recovery in wastewater treatment
- AMS-III.I.: Avoidance of methane production in wastewater treatment through replacement of anaerobic systems by aerobic systems
- must be used with Clarification issued on July 5, 2024
- AMS-III.Q.: Waste energy recovery
- AMS-III.Y.: Methane avoidance through separation of solids from wastewater or manure treatment systems
- must be used with Clarification issued on July 5, 2024
- AMS-III.Z.: Fuel Switch, process improvement and energy efficiency in brick manufacture
VCS Program – Inactive Methodologies
Verra periodically reviews VCS methodologies to ensure they continue to reflect best practices, scientific consensus, and evolving market conditions and technical developments in a sector. Verra will conduct these reviews at least once every five years or when otherwise needed.
As a result of a review, Verra may revise the methodology. Verra may also set methodology versions previously approved under the VCS Program as inactive until a new revised version is issued.
VM0002 New Cogeneration Facilities Supplying Less Carbon Intensive Electricity to Grid and/or Hot Water to One or More Grid Customers, v1.0
VM0004 Methodology for Conservation Projects that Avoid Planned Land-use Conversion in Peat Swamp Forests, v2.0
VM0009 Methodology for Avoided Ecosystem Conversion, v3.0
VM0013 Calculating Emission Reductions from Jet Engine Washing, v1.0
VM0014 Interception and Destruction of Fugitive Methane from Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Seeps, v1.0
VM0017 Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Land Management, v1.0
VM0020 Transport Energy Efficiency from Lightweight Pallets, v1.0
VM0021 Soil Carbon Quantification Methodology, v1.0
VM0022 Quantifying N2O Emissions Reductions in Agricultural Crops through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Reduction, v1.1
VM0023 Reduction of GHG Emissions in Propylene Oxide Production, v1.0
VM0024 Methodology for Coastal Wetland Creation, v1.0
VM0026 Methodology for Sustainable Grassland Management (SGM), v1.1
VM0027 Methodology for Rewetting Drained Tropical Peatlands, v1.0
VM0028 Methodology for Carpooling, v1.0
VM0029 Methodology for Avoided Forest Degradation through Fire Management, v1.0
VM0030 Methodology for Pavement Application using Sulphur Substitute, v1.0
VM0031 Methodology for Precast Concrete Production using Sulphur Substitute, v1.0
VM0037 Methodology for Implementation of REDD+ Activities in Landscapes Affected by Mosaic Deforestation and Degradation, v1.0
VM0040 Methodology for Greenhouse Gas Capture and Utilization in Plastic Materials, v1.0
VMD0008 Estimation of baseline emissions from forest degradation caused by extraction of wood for fuel (BL-DFW), v1.0
VMD0012 Estimation of emissions from displacement of fuelwood extraction (LK-DFW), v1.0
VMD0041 Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions in ARR project activities (BL-ARR), v1.1
VMD0043 Estimation of emissions from displacement of pre-project agricultural activities (LK-ARR), v1.0
VMD0045 Methods for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and removals in ARR project activities (M-ARR), v1.1
VMR0001 Revisions to ACM0008 to Include Pre-drainage of Methane from an Active Open Cast Mine as a Methane Emission Reduction Activity, v1.0
VMR0002 Revisions to ACM0008 to Include Methane Capture and Destruction from Abandoned Coal Mines, v1.0
VMR0003 Revisions to AMS-III.Y to Include Use of Organic Bedding Material, v1.0
VMR0005 Methodology for Installation of Low-Flow Water Devices, v1.0
VMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2
VMR0011 Switch from Non-Renewable Biomass For Thermal Applications by the User, v1.0
Inactive CDM Methodologies
Verra has inactivated CDM and CAR methodologies from the VCS Program that have had limited or no use. These are considered inactive under the VCS Program. Project proponents who are interested in using one of these methodologies may send a request to The request should include:
- A list of projects (you may consider including similar ongoing projects from other developers)
- Estimated amount of annual emission reductions
- A justification that there is no eligible methodology that could be used for your project(s)
- Status of the implementation of the activity
Per the VCS Standard, v4.7 (PDF), Section 3.22.3(4), Verra has set the grace period for inactivated CDM methodologies to twelve months after the date they were inactivated. Project proponents that have already requested listing on the Verra Registry before the inactivation date may complete validation within twelve months after the inactivation date.
- ACM0005: Increasing the blend in cement production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0013: Construction and operation of new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0015: Emission reductions from raw material switch in clinker production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0019: N2O abatement from nitric acid production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0020: Co-firing of biomass residues for heat generation and/or electricity generation in grid connected power plants (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0021: Reduction of emissions from charcoal production by improved kiln design and/or abatement of methane (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0023: Introduction of an efficiency improvement technology in a boiler (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0024: Natural gas substitution by biogenic methane produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0025: Construction of a new natural gas power plant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- ACM0026: Fossil fuel based cogeneration for identified recipient facility(ies) (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0001: Decomposition of fluoroform (HFC-23) waste streams — Version 6.0.0 (inactivated January 16, 2024)
- AM0007: Analysis of the least-cost fuel option for seasonally-operating biomass cogeneration plants (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0017: Steam system efficiency improvements by replacing steam traps and returning condensate (inactivated September 11, 2023)
AM0018: Baseline methodology for steam optimization systems (inactivated September 11, 2023) - AM0019: Renewable energy projects replacing part of the electricity production of one single fossil fuel fired power plant that stands alone or supplies to a grid, excluding biomass projects (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0020: Baseline methodology for water pumping efficiency improvements (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0021: Baseline Methodology for decomposition of N2O from existing adipic acid production plants (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0027: Substitution of CO2 from fossil or mineral origin by CO2 from biogenic residual sources in the production of inorganic compounds (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0030: PFC emission reductions from anode effect mitigation at primary aluminium smelting facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0031: Bus rapid transit projects (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0035: SF6 emission reductions in electrical grids (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0037: Flare (or vent) reduction and utilization of gas from oil wells as a feedstock (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0038: Methodology for improved electrical energy efficiency of an existing submerged electric arc furnace used for the production of silicon and ferro alloys (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0043: Leak reduction from a natural gas distribution grid by replacing old cast iron pipes or steel pipes without cathodic protection with polyethylene pipes (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0044: Energy efficiency improvement projects – boiler rehabilitation or replacement in industrial and district heating sectors (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0045: Grid connection of isolated electricity systems (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0046: Distribution of efficient light bulbs to households (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0048: New cogeneration project activities supplying electricity and heat to multiple customers (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0049: Methodology for gas based energy generation in an industrial facility (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0050: Feed switch in integrated Ammonia-urea manufacturing industry (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0052: Increased electricity generation from existing hydropower stations through Decision Support System optimization (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0053: Biogenic methane injection to a natural gas distribution grid (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0055: Recovery and utilization of waste gas in refinery or gas plant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0056: Efficiency improvement by boiler replacement or rehabilitation and optional fuel switch in fossil fuel-fired steam boiler systems (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0057: Avoided emissions from biomass wastes through use as feed stock in pulp and paper, cardboard, fibreboard or bio-oil production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0058: Introduction of a district heating system (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0060: Power saving through replacement by energy efficient chillers (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0061: Methodology for rehabilitation and/or energy efficiency improvement in existing power plants (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0062: Energy efficiency improvements of a power plant through retrofitting turbines (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0063: Recovery of CO2 from tail gas in industrial facilities to substitute the use of fossil fuels for production of CO2 (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0066: GHG emission reductions through waste heat utilisation for pre-heating of raw materials in sponge iron manufacturing process (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0067: Methodology for installation of energy efficient transformers in a power distribution grid (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0068: Methodology for improved energy efficiency by modifying ferroalloy production facility (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0069: Biogenic methane use as feedstock and fuel for town gas production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0071: Manufacturing and servicing of domestic and/or small commercial refrigeration appliances using a low GWP refrigerant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0074: Methodology for new grid connected power plants using permeate gas previously flared and/or vented (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0075: Methodology for collection, processing and supply of biogas to end-users for production of heat (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0076: Implementation of fossil fuel trigeneration systems in existing industrial facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0077: Recovery of gas from oil wells that would otherwise be vented or flared and its delivery to specific end-users (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0078: Point of Use Abatement Device to Reduce SF6 emissions in LCD Manufacturing Operations (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0079: Recovery of SF6 from Gas insulated electrical equipment in testing facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0081: Flare or vent reduction at coke plants through the conversion of their waste gas into dimethyl ether for use as a fuel (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0082: Use of charcoal from planted renewable biomass in a new iron ore reduction system (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0083: Avoidance of landfill gas emissions by in-situ aeration of landfills — Version 1.0.1 (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0084: Installation of cogeneration system supplying electricity and chilled water to new and existing consumers (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0086: Distribution of low greenhouse gas emitting water purification systems for safe drinking water (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0088: Air separation using cryogenic energy recovered from the vaporization of LNG (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0089: Production of diesel using a mixed feedstock of gasoil and vegetable oil (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0091: Energy efficiency technologies and fuel switching in new and existing buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0092: Substitution of PFC gases for cleaning Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) reactors in the semiconductor industry (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0093: Avoidance of landfill gas emissions by passive aeration of landfills (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0094: Distribution of biomass based stove and/or heater for household or institutional use (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0095: Waste gas based combined cycle power plant in a Greenfield iron and steel plant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0096: CF4 emission reduction from installation of an abatement system in a semiconductor manufacturing facility (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0097: Installation of high voltage direct current power transmission line (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0098: Utilization of ammonia-plant off gas for steam generation (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0099: Installation of a new natural gas fired gas turbine to an existing CHP plant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0100: Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) projects (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0101: High speed passenger rail systems (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0103: Renewable energy power generation in isolated grids (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0104: Interconnection of electricity grids in countries with economic merit order dispatch (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0105: Energy efficiency in data centres through dynamic power management — Version 1.0.0 (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0106: Energy efficiency improvements of a lime production facility through installation of new kilns (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0107: New natural gas based cogeneration plant (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0108: Interconnection between electricity systems for energy exchange — Version 1.0.0 (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0109: Introduction of hot supply of Direct Reduced Iron in Electric Arc Furnaces (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0110: Modal shift in transportation of liquid fuels (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0111: Abatement of fluorinated greenhouse gases in semiconductor manufacturing (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0112: Less carbon intensive power generation through continuous reductive distillation of waste (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0113: Distribution of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and light-emitting diode (LED) lamps to households (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0114: Shift from electrolytic to catalytic process for recycling of chlorine from hydrogen chloride gas in isocyanate plants (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0115: Recovery and utilization of coke oven gas from coke plants for LNG production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0116: Electric taxiing systems for airplanes (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0117: Introduction of a new district cooling system (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0118: Introduction of low resistivity power transmission line (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0119: SF6 emission reductions in gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0120: Energy-efficient refrigerators and air-conditioners ((inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0121: Emission reduction from partial switching of raw materials and increasing the share of additives in the production of blended cement (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0122: Recovery of methane-rich vapours from hydrocarbon storage tanks (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AM0123: Renewable energy generation for captive use (inactivated February 28, 2024)
- AM0125: Production of geopolymer cement (inactivated July 3, 2024)
- Verra inactivated this as a stand-alone methodology, but projects may apply VMR0012 Production of Geopolymer Cement
- AMS-I.E.: Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user (inactivated July 2, 2024)
- Verra inactivated this as a stand-alone methodology, but projects may apply VM0050 Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switch Measures in Cookstoves
- AMS-I.G.: Plant oil production and use for energy generation in stationary applications (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-I.H.: Biodiesel production and use for energy generation in stationary applications (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-I.I.: Biogas/biomass thermal applications for households/small users (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-I.J.: Solar water heating systems (SWH) (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-I.K.: Solar cookers for households (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-I.M.: Solar power for domestic aircraft at-gate operations (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.A.: Supply side energy efficiency improvements – transmission and distribution (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.B.: Supply side energy efficiency improvements – generation (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.E.: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.F.: Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for agricultural facilities and activities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.G.: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- Verra inactivated this as a stand-alone methodology, but projects may apply VM0050 Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switch Measures in Cookstoves
- AMS-II.H.: Energy efficiency measures through centralization of utility provisions of an industrial facility (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.I.: Efficient utilization of waste energy in industrial facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.K.: Installation of co-generation or tri-generation systems supplying energy to commercial building (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.L.: Demand-side activities for efficient outdoor and street lighting technologies (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.M.: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for installation of low-flow hot water savings devices (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.N.: Demand-side energy efficiency activities for installation of energy efficient lighting and/or controls in buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.O.: Dissemination of energy efficient household appliances (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.P.: Energy efficient pump-set for agriculture use (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.Q.: Energy efficiency and/or energy supply projects in commercial buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.R.: Energy efficiency space heating measures for residential buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-II.T.: Emission reduction through reactive power compensation in power distribution network (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.A.: Offsetting of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers by inoculant application in legumes-grass rotations on acidic soils on existing cropland (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AA.: Transportation Energy Efficiency Activities using Retrofit Technologies (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AB.: Avoidance of HFC emissions in Standalone Commercial Refrigeration Cabinets (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AC.: Electricity and/or heat generation using fuel cell (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AD.: Emission reductions in hydraulic lime production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AE.: Energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in new residential buildings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AF.: Avoidance of methane emissions through excavating and composting of partially decayed municipal solid waste (MSW) (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AG.: Switching from high carbon intensive grid electricity to low carbon intensive fossil fuel (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AH.: Shift from high carbon-intensive fuel mix ratio to low carbon-intensive fuel mix ratio (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AI.: Emission reductions through recovery of spent sulphuric acid (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AK.: Biodiesel production and use for transport applications (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AL.: Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AM.: Fossil fuel switch in a cogeneration/trigeneration system (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AN.: Fossil fuel switch in existing manufacturing industries (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AP.: Transport energy efficiency activities using post – fit Idling Stop device (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AS.: Switch from fossil fuel to biomass in existing manufacturing facilities for non-energy applications (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AT.: Transportation energy efficiency activities installing digital tachograph systems to commercial freight transport fleets (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AW.: Electrification of rural communities by grid extension (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AX.: Methane oxidation layer (MOL) for solid waste disposal sites (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.AY.: Introduction of LNG buses to existing and new bus routes (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BB.: Electrification of communities through grid extension or construction of new mini-grids (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BC.: Emission reductions through improved efficiency of vehicle fleets (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- Verra inactivated this as a stand-alone methodology, but projects may apply VMR0004 Improved Efficiency of Fleet Vehicles, v2.0
- AMS-III.BD.: GHG emission reduction due to supply of molten metal instead of ingots for aluminium castings (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BE.: Avoidance of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from sugarcane pre-harvest open burning through mulching (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BF.: Reduction of N2O emissions from use of Nitrogen Use Efficient (NUE) seeds that require less fertilizer application (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BG.: Emission reduction through sustainable charcoal production and consumption (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BH.: Displacement of production of brick and cement by manufacture and installation of gypsum concrete wall panels (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BI.: Flare gas recovery in gas treating facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BJ.: Destruction of hazardous waste using plasma technology including energy recovery (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BK.: Strategic feed supplementation in smallholder dairy sector to increase productivity (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BL.: Integrated methodology for electrification of communities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BN.: Efficient operation of public transportation (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BO.: Trip avoidance through equipment improvement of freight transport (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BP.: Emission reduction by shore-side electricity supply system (inactivated Sept 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.BQ.: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.J.: Avoidance of fossil fuel combustion for carbon dioxide production to be used as raw material for industrial processes (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.K.: Avoidance of methane release from charcoal production (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.L.: Avoidance of methane production from biomass decay through controlled pyrolysis (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.M.: Reduction in consumption of electricity by recovering soda from paper manufacturing process (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.N.: Avoidance of HFC emissions in rigid Poly Urethane Foam (PUF) manufacturing (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.O.: Hydrogen production using methane extracted from biogas (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.P.: Recovery and utilization of waste gas in refinery facilities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.R.: Methane recovery in agricultural activities at household/small farm level (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.S.: Introduction of low-emission vehicles/technologies to commercial vehicle fleets (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.T.: Plant oil production and use for transport applications (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.U.: Cable Cars for Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.V.: Decrease of coke consumption in blast furnace by installing dust/sludge recycling system in steel works (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.W.: Methane capture and destruction in non-hydrocarbon mining activities (inactivated September 11, 2023)
- AMS-III.X.: Energy Efficiency and HFC-134a Recovery in Residential Refrigerators (inactivated September 11, 2023)
Projects may not use methodologies from other approved GHG programs that overlap with VCS methodologies. The following methodologies are permanently excluded from the VCS Program (see Sections 5.3.6 of VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF):
- U.S. Forest Protocol (excluded September 19, 2019)
- Mexico Forest Protocol (excluded September 19, 2019)
- Urban Forest Protocol (excluded September 19, 2019)
- AM0065: Replacement of SF6 with alternate cover gas in the magnesium industry (excluded September 17, 2024)
- Projects that are using AM0065 and that are registered in the VCS Program can continue using the methodology through the end of the current crediting period but cannot renew the crediting period.
- Projects that are using AM0065 and are currently under validation or pipeline listed in the Verra Registry must complete validation by March 17, 2025. See this announcement for more details.
- AMS-II.G.: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass (excluded July 6, 2023)
- Effective July 6, 2023, AMS-II.G. is excluded as a standalone methodology.
- Projects that have requested listing on the Verra Registry before July 6, 2023 must complete validation using AMS-II.G. until January 5, 2024.
- New projects must use VMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2 in conjunction with AMS-II.G.
- AMS-III.AJ.: Recovery and Recycling of Materials from Solid Wastes (excluded September 4, 2023)
- Effective September 4, 2023, AMS-III.AJ. is excluded as a standalone methodology.
- Projects that have requested listing on the Verra Registry before September 4, 2023 may complete validation using AMS-III.AJ. until March 4, 2024.
- New projects must use VMR0007 Revision to AMS-III.AJ: Recovery and Recycling of Materials from Solid Waste, v1.0 in conjunction with AMS-III.AJ.
- AMS-III.BA.: Recovery and recycling of materials from E-waste (excluded September 4, 2023)
- Effective September 4, 2023, AMS-III.BA. is excluded as a standalone methodology.
- Projects that have requested listing on the Verra Registry before September 4, 2023 may complete validation using AMS-III.BA. until March 4, 2024.
- New projects must use VMR0008 Revision to AMS-III.BA.: Recovery and Recycling of Materials from E-waste, v1.0 in conjunction with AMS-III.BA.
- AR-ACM0003: Afforestation and reforestation of lands except wetlands (excluded September 28, 2023)
- Effective September 28, 2023, VM0047 replaces AR-ACM0003.
- New projects and projects listed as ‘under development’ must be listed as ‘under validation’ by December 28, 2023.
- All projects using AR-ACM0003 must complete validation by December 28, 2024, as per the announcement from May 5, 2023.
- AR-AM0014 Afforestation and reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats (excluded August 31, 2022)
- Projects that have completed pipeline listing by August 31, 2022 may request registration until February 28, 2023
- AR-AMS0003 Afforestation and reforestation project activities implemented on wetlands (excluded August 31, 2022)
- Projects that have completed pipeline listing by August 31, 2022 may request registration until February 28, 2023
- AR-AMS0007: Afforestation and reforestation project activities implemented on lands other than wetlands (excluded September 28, 2023)
- Effective September 28, 2023, VM0047 replaces AR-AMS0007.
- New projects and projects listed as ‘under development’ must be listed as ‘under validation’ by December 28, 2023.
- All projects using AR-AMS0007 must complete validation by December 28, 2024, as per the announcement from May 5, 2023.
- AMS-III.AU. Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation (excluded February 3, 2023)
- Projects that have completed pipeline listing prior to February 3, 2023 may request registration until September 20, 2023
- Projects on the Verra Registry that list one of the VVBs referenced in our announcement Verra Inactivates UNFCCC CDM Rice Cultivation Methodology as the “VCS Project Validator” will remain on hold while the quality review process of registered projects is ongoing
A number of VCS methodologies are currently under development.
Please note: All methodology idea notes follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Methodology for Capture of CO2 from Industrial Flue Gases
Module for CO₂ Captured from Air (Direct Air Capture) with Above-ground Mineralization and Storage
Please note: All concept notes follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Module for Avoiding Planned Deforestation Activities
Methodology for Microbial Carbon Mineralization (MCM)
Methodology for Reducing Emissions From Methanol Production
Methodology for Tropical Peatland Conservation and Restoration, v1.0
Module for CO2 Storage via Geological Mineralization in Igneous Rock Formations
Module for VM0036: Avoided Conversion of Temperate and Boreal Peatlands
Major Revision to VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management
Tool for Calculating Long-Term Carbon Storage in Harvested Wood Products
Please note: All draft methodologies under development follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Methodology for Avoided Bottom Trawling
Methodology for Avoided Forest Conversion from Decreased Wildfire
Methodology for Engineered Carbonation of Mineral Waste
Methodology for Grid-Connected Energy Storage Systems
Methodology for Mass Timber Constructions
Methodology for Pneumatic Pump Electrification
Methodology for Reducing Emissions Intensity of Grassland-based Cattle Production
Methodology for Sustainable Food Systems
Methodology Framework for Seaweed Carbon Projects
Module for Performance Method for Reduced Impact Logging in Suriname
Methodology Framework for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
Minor Revision to AMS-III.BM.: Lightweight Two and Three Wheeled Personal Transportation
Revisions to AM0073: Multi-site manure collection and treatment in a central plant
Revision to AMS-III.C.: Emission reductions by electric and hybrid vehicles, v16.0
Revision to VM0016, Recovery and Destruction of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS) from Products, v1.1
Revision to VM0033 Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration, v2.0
Revision to VM0036: Methodology for Rewetting Drained Temperate and Boreal Peatlands, v1.0
Revision to VM0043: Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production, v1.0
Revision to VM0044: Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-soil Applications
Please note: All draft methodologies open for public consultation follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Minor Revision to VM0008: Weatherization of Single Family and MultiFamily Buildings, v1.1
Please note: All draft methodologies under development follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Methodology for Alternative Low Carbon Fuels in Shipping
Methodology Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage, Batch 2
Please note: All draft methodologies under development follow the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra does not guarantee they proceed to the next stage, their full development, or final approval.
Methodology for Improved Management in Paddy Rice Production Systems
Revision to VM0047 Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation, v1.0
Please note: These proposed methodologies are put on hold by Verra. They may be reactivated or development may resume if conditional requirements have been met and issues or risks have been addressed. For more information, please see Section 2.5.1 of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF).
Methodology for Aircraft Contrail Management
Methodology for Arctic Ice Thickening
Methodology for Atmospheric Carbon Removal through use of Volcanic Basalt Soil Treatments
Methodology for Carbon Sequestration Through Cultivating Hemp
Methodology for the Displacement of Virgin Petroleum-Based Plastic Production
Methodology for Plugging Oil and Natural Gas Wells to Reduce GHG Emissions
Methodology for Recycling or Repurposing Waste and Retired Batteries
Methodology for Reducing Cattle Methane Emissions Through Direct Reduction of Exhaled Methane
Methodology for Using Photocatalysts to Remove Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
Methodology for Zero GHG Emissions for Maritime Offshore Operational Solutions
Minor Revision to VM0012 Improved Forest Management in Temperate and Boreal Forests, v1.2
Revision to VT0005: Tool for Measuring Aboveground Live Forest Biomass using Remote Sensing, v1.0
Tool for Soil Sampling, Processing, and Analyzing Soil Organic Carbon Stock Changes
Diverting unsold assets and inventory from final disposal through digital marketplaces
Methodology for Arterial Traffic Control System Optimization
Methodology for Avoiding Carbon Emissions through Refurbishment and Reuse of Electronic Gadgets
Methodology for Carbon-Aware Computing
Methodology for Destination Alternate Airport
Methodology for Emission Reduction from Production of Low Carbon Content Fossil Fuels
Methodology for Energy-saving through Elevator Regenerative Power System Implementation
Methodology for Hydrogen Fuel Switch in Process Heaters
Methodology for Improved Forest Management through Adjusting Bamboo Forest Stand Structure
Methodology for Increasing Karst Carbon Sink through Afforestation
Methodology for In-situ Phycoremediation of Eutrophic River-estuary Systems
Methodology for Low-Carbon Cryptocurrencies
Methodology for On- and Off-Road Mobile Electric Vehicle and Equipment Charging
Methodology for Production of Alumina from End-of-Life Aluminum
Methodology for Production of Substitutes that Displace the Use of Peat in Growing Media
Methodology for Recovery and Recycling of Materials from Solid Wastes
Methodology for Reducing Transport Emissions in Cities
Methodology for Sterilization of Subsurface Coal Reserves
Methodology for Sustainable Institutional Food Procurement
Methodology for the Use of Alternative Materials that Displace the Production Of Plastics
Methodology for Water Purification
Revision to ACM0001: Flaring or Use of Landfill Gas
Revision to AMS-III.AR: Substituting fossil fuel based lighting with LED/CFL lighting systems
Revision to AMS-III.BA, Small Scale Methodology: Recovery and recycling of materials from E-Waste
Revisions to Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation and/or Degradation Methodologies
Revision to VM0047: Methodology for Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation Projects, v0.1
Tool for Measuring Height of Biomass Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
Please note: These proposed methodologies are archived not because they were rejected by Verra. Instead, they may have merged into another proposal, the developer might have withdrawn their proposal, or the development might not have concluded or proceeded due to various other reasons.
Afforestation/Reforestation of Agricultural Lands
Avoided Planned Conversion of Grasslands and Shrublands to Crop Production
Avoiding Planned Deforestation of Undrained Peat Swamp Forests
Calculating Emission Reductions in Rice Management Systems
Destruction of Fluoroform (HFC-23) Waste Gas Streams
Improved Forest Management in Boreal Production Forests
Improved Forest Management on Lands Subject to Unextiguished Indigenous Rights and Title (LtPF)
Methodology for Agricultural Land Management: Improved Grassland Management
Methodology for Black Soldier Fly Larvae Disposing of Organic Waste
Methodology for Carbon Removals Through Seaweed Aquaculture
Methodology for Determining GHG Emission Reductions Through Bicycle Sharing Projects
Methodology for Digital MRV Forest Carbon Crediting
Methodology for Energy Efficiency Retrofits and Measures in Shipping
Methodology for Fuel Switch to Renewable Biomass for Thermal Applications
Methodology for Improved Forest Management in Non-industrial Private Forests
Methodology for Improved Forest Management through Targeted, Short-Term Harvest Deferral
Methodology for Less Carbon Raw Material Conversion in Concrete Production
Methodology for Management of Livestock Waste for the Production of Renewable Energy and Heat
Methodology for Production of Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete
Methodology for Reduction in GHG Emissions from Metal Production Using Metal Bearing Wastes
Methodology for Rewetting High Carbon Soil in Temperate Climate Zones
Methodology for Time-Shifted Electricity Consumption Targeting Less Carbon-Intensive Generation
Revision to AM0073: Multi-site manure collection and treatment in a central plant
Revisions to AM0090 to Include Conveyor Belt Transportation
Revision to “Approved consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0002”
Quantification Methodology for Underbalanced Drilling with Natural Gas and Formation Gas Recovery
Propose a new or revised VCS methodology, tool or module
Stakeholders can submit a methodology idea note to propose a new or revised VCS methodology, tool or module (refer to the Methodology Development and Review Process).
Preference and priority to proceed with the development process of such ideas are given to ideas that are broadly applicable, have high climate change mitigation potential, support sustainable development, and are not associated with unmitigable social, environmental, legal, or regulatory risks.
Depending on available funding, experience and overlapping ideas, either a third-party or group of third-parties leads the development of the proposed new or revised methodology, tool or module. Verra may also fund the development and hire a consultant to prepare the methodology documentation and manage the assessment process.
SD VISta Program Methodologies
Projects have the option to generate SD VISta assets that represent specific sustainable development benefits. Projects that generate SD VISta assets must use an approved SD VISta asset methodology to quantify the specific social or environmental benefits that will be issued as assets.
SD VISta asset methodologies set out the assumptions, parameters, and procedures for measuring, monitoring, and reporting the specific sustainable development benefits. They also provide detailed procedures for quantifying the real environmental and/or social benefits of the project and provide guidance to help project developers determine project boundaries, set baseline scenarios, monitor the benefits, and ultimately quantify and issue the sustainable development benefits as SD VISta assets.
Project developers can choose to develop their own SD VISta asset methodology through the SD VISta methodology approval process.
The SD VISta Program has methodologies approved for use.
*no current modules exist for SD VISta methodologies
*no current tools exist for SD VISta methodologies
A number of SD VISta methodologies are currently under development.
Plastic Program Methodologies
Methodologies set out detailed procedures for quantifying the plastic waste collected and/or recycled as the result of a project activity and provide guidance to help project developers determine project boundaries, set baselines and assess additionality.
Project proponents must always use the current and valid version of a methodology. Select from the methodologies below based on the nature of your project activity.
To ensure that the Plastic Program remains robust and credible, the Plastic Program periodically reviews approved methodologies to ensure that they conform to current requirements, international best practices, and scientific consensus. Therefore, from time to time, a methodology may be revised, withdrawn or put on hold. In such cases, A grace period will apply for projects currently using the methodology. The status of each methodology is always displayed on the Verra website.
Approved Plastic Methodologies
Digitalized Program Methodologies
Verra has begun the process of digitalizing all its program methodologies to increase transparency and efficiency, streamline processes, and scale up its operations.
Below is a list of digitalized methodologies currently available for use in the Verra Project Hub. We encourage stakeholders to continue to provide us with feedback on their experience using the digitalized versions of these methodologies.
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program Methodologies
- VM0038 Methodology for Electric Vehicle Charging Systems, v1.0
- VM0041 Methodology for the Reduction of Enteric Methane Emissions from Ruminants through the Use of Feed Ingredients, v2.0
- VM0042 Improved Agricultural Land Management, v2.1
- VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications, v1.1
- VM0047 Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation, v1.0
- VMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2
CDM Methodologies Accepted in the VCS Program
- ACM0002: Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources, v21.0 (external)
- ACM0002: Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources, v22.0 (external)
- AMS-I.D.: Grid-connected renewable electricity generation, v18.0 (external)
- AMS-III.BM.: Lightweight two and three wheeled person transportation, v2.0 (external)
Plastic Waste Reduction Program Methodologies
- PWRM0001 Plastic Waste Collection Methodology, v1.1
- PWRM0002 Plastic Waste Recycling Methodology, v1.1
Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program Methodologies