Verra sets the world’s leading standards for climate action and sustainable development.
→ We build standards for activities as diverse as reducing deforestation, improving agricultural practices, addressing plastic waste, and achieving gender equality.
→ We manage programs to certify that these activities achieve measurable high-integrity outcomes.
→ And we work with governments, businesses, and civil society to advance the use of these standards, including through the development of markets.
Everything we do is in service of increasingly ambitious climate and sustainable development goals – and an accelerated transition to a sustainable future.

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- Photo courtesy of DelAgua. DelAgua Clean Cooking Grouped Project in Rwanda (Verra Project 4150)
Our Programs
Verra is a global leader in the development and management of high-integrity, high-impact programs for climate, sustainable development, and environmental projects. At the core of Verra’s mission is empowering project developers with the tools they need to create effective, scalable solutions that address climate change and foster sustainable development. Verra’s programs provide industry-leading methodologies and comprehensive frameworks that support the design and implementation of carbon, sustainable development, and plastic waste reduction projects across the world. Below, you’ll find an overview of Verra’s six flagship programs that are enabling impactful action globally.

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program. It drives finance toward activities that reduce and remove emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature. VCS projects have reduced or removed more than one billion tons of carbon and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere.

The VCS Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework is the world’s first accounting and verification framework for jurisdictional REDD+ programs and nested projects. The JNR Framework helps entities with forest-related emission reduction activities to integrate their efforts into governmental climate goals.

The Scope 3 Standard (S3S) Program certifies value chain interventions and issues units for use in companies’ emissions accounting. The Scope 3 Standard (S3S) Program will enable companies to credibly account for and report on Scope 3 intervention activities.

The Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) Program represents assurance that a given project is delivering tangible climate, community, and biodiversity benefits. They can be applied to any land management project, including afforestation, sustainable agriculture, and grassland management.

The Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program is the premier program for certifying the real-world benefits of social and environmental projects, from gender equity and economic development to affordable clean energy and restoration of wildlife.

The Plastic Waste Reduction Standard (PWRS) Program is used for consistent accounting and crediting of a variety of plastic collection and recycling activities. It drives investment to projects that increase the collection and/or recycling of plastic waste.
Our Impact
At Verra, our mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future. We do so by driving finance to projects that advance environmental and social change across the globe.
The impact this work has speaks for itself. Through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, we have issued over 1 billion carbon credits, representing more than 1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or removed—an achievement unmatched in the voluntary carbon market. Across all our programs, we currently have over 3,400 active projects spanning 125 countries. These projects not only combat climate change but also enhance biodiversity, protect critical ecosystems, and uplift local communities.
Our work also helps advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), driving measurable progress in areas such as clean energy, climate action, and poverty alleviation. Projects registered with our standards programs have improved access to clean water for tens of thousands, preserved vast tracts of endangered forests, and empowered Indigenous People and local communities to manage their lands sustainably.
From mangrove restoration in coastal regions to large-scale reforestation initiatives and carbon capture and storage, Verra is a catalyst for transformative change. Each credit issued by one of our programs reflects our rigorous rules and requirements, credible and transparent methodologies, and real-world impact, making the voluntary carbon market more dependable and effective than ever.
Click to see our methodologies in action. View the latest case studies.
Our Ethos
At Verra, we recognize that meaningful progress requires bold action that we take today. In the face of a dire climate emergency, waiting for perfect solutions is not an option. Instead, we must embrace bold, pragmatic actions that may not be perfect, but have immediate, measurable impact and are backed by science and robust environmental and social safeguards. Read our organizational ethos.
The Organization
Verra was founded in 2007 by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets. We now manage the world’s leading voluntary carbon markets program, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, as well as a suite of other programs, incubate new ideas to generate meaningful environmental and social value at scale, and advance the use of these programs worldwide.
The strategic direction of Verra is set by Verra’s Board of Directors and staff. Our staff work globally, with headquarters in Washington, DC.
Verra is registered as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the District of Columbia (Washington, DC, USA) and is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
The Articles of Incorporation contain basic structural information, organizational objectives, and a statement of our tax-exempt purpose. They also establish that the organization shall be governed by a Board of Directors appointed or elected under the rules provided by the Bylaws. The Articles are available for public viewing via the Washington DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection, Domestic Nonprofit Corporation office.
The Bylaws contain information about the governance and operations of the organization.
Important Policies
Additionally, the following key policies govern various aspects of Verra’s operations:
Verra maintains conflict of interest policies and requires compliance by all Board members and staff members. Board members are required to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest at each meeting of the Board and to recuse themselves as appropriate. Staff members are required to disclose all actual or perceived conflicts of interest on an annual, and ongoing basis as they arise.
Verra provides a Grievance Redress Policy that applies to all standards and programs managed by Verra.
This policy relates to best practices that Verra follows around protecting human rights.
This policy relates to Verra’s practices regarding anti-corruption (including anti-bribery) issues.
This policy describes Verra’s compliance practices relating to anti-money laundering and sanctions issues.
Advisory Committees
Verra convenes advisory groups and committees to guide and support its programs and specific aspects of its work. These advisory bodies are cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder, representing a broad range of perspectives and areas of expertise. Their input helps ensure that Verra’s standards programs maintain the highest quality and integrity.

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- Photo by VeryNile Nile River Cleaning Plastic Offsetting Program, #4017