

Sectoral Scope

1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable)

Development ID#



Under Development

The recommended revisions included in this document provide a methodology for transesterified biodiesel from waste oils/fats which are commercialized via a Petroleum Distribution System (“PDS”), to be treated as analogous to renewable electricity distributed via an electricity grid where all electricity is sold to a regulated distributor, who then distributes it to individual consumers (end- users). In order to ensure the inclusion of consumers within the project boundary and monitor consumption in cases where waste oil/fat biodiesel is commercialized via the distribution system instead of to a captive fleet the procedures for the determination of the combined margin emission factor for a Petroleum Distribution System is detailed in this methodology revision. The proposed methodology for determining the system emissions factor grafts as closely as possible he existing tool for determining a combined emissions factor for grid generated electricity onto the network for distribution of biodiesel from waste oils/fats.

Other important inclusions are the potential for the recognition of emissions reductions resulting from the expanded capacity of existing waste oil/fat biodiesel plants or those plans making material feedstock changes, as well as the inclusion of other renewable fuels in the baseline in order to best evidence reductions in a conservative manner.

Public Comment

This methodology was open for public comment from 18 May 2009 until 16 June 2009. Public comments are closed.