6. Final Verra Review
14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)
Under Development
VM0047, v1.0 quantifies carbon removals from activities that increase the density of trees or other types of woody vegetation. It provides two approaches for quantifying carbon removals from afforestation, reforestation, and revegetation (ARR) activities.
The proposed minor revision to VM0047 includes:
- updated references and numbering,
- clarification of applicability to enhanced carbon stocks activities in existing forests,
- clarification of the census-based method, and the specific use of physical marker (GPS point) and,
- clarification on how to account for clearing of degraded ecosystem for site preparation.
Summary of development
Verra is leading the development of this minor revision. It is currently at “Step 6: Final Verra Review” of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra hosted a public consultation from May 23, 2024, to June 24, 2024.
Stakeholders interested in developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact methodologies@verra.org. Please include the Methodology Development ID# M0273 in the subject line.