
Active since 06 July 2023

Outcome Label


Sectoral Scope

3. Energy Demand

CDM methodology AMS-II.G.: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass (opens on external site) is applicable to project activities that introduce energy efficiency measures in thermal applications (including cookstoves, ovens, and dryers) to reduce the consumption of non-renewable biomass.

This methodology revision (VMR0006) expands the methodology’s scope to include the switch from fossil fuel to renewable biomass in these thermal applications.

VMR0006 must be used in conjunction with the latest version of AMS-II.G.

A new methodology titled Methodology for Improved Thermal Energy Generation Units (M0174) is currently under development. This new methodology will replace VMR0006. Projects using VMR0006 may update to the new methodology once it is approved.

Please note:

  • The grace period for listed projects to complete validation under VMR0006, v1.1 ended on 28 June 2023.
  • Effective 6 July 2023, AMS-II.G. is excluded as a standalone methodology. Projects must use VMR0006 in conjunction with AMS-II.G.
  • Projects that have requested listing on the Verra Registry before 6 July 2023 must complete validation using AMS-II.G. until 5 January 2024.

Development History

VMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2
Status: Active since 6 July 2023
Summary of Changes:

  • Corrections to align with most recent versions of CDM methodology AMS-II.G., CDM TOOL30 and CDM TOOL33.
  • Alignment with AMS-II.G. to allow the application of different monitoring options.
  • Inclusion of applicability conditions, monitoring requirements, and accounting procedures for project emissions and leakage for renewable biomass.
  • Procedures to account for uncertainty of fnrb.
  • Clarifications and general improvements.

Developer: Verra
Dates of Public Consultation: 28 March 2023 to 27 April 2023
Summary of Public Consultation: VMR0006, v1.2 Summary of Public Comments (PDF)
VVB Assessment Report: N/A – minor revision with no VVB Assessment

VMR0006 Methodology for Installation of High Efficiency Firewood Cookstoves, v1.1 (PDF)
Status: Active from 22 July 2021 to 27 March 2023
Grace period: The grace period to complete validation ended on 28 June 2023.
Summary of Changes:

  • Includes clarifications and general improvements.

Developer: C-Quest Capital (opens on external site)
Dates of Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: N/A
Clarification: Clarifications to VMR0006, v1.1 (PDF)

VMR0006 Methodology for Installation of High Efficiency Firewood Cookstoves, v1.0 (PDF)
Status: Active from 8 September 2020 to 21 July 2021
Summary of Changes:

  • Expands the methodology’s scope to activities that switch from fossil fuel to renewable biomass.
  • Includes requirement that project stoves must have a thermal energy efficiency of at least 25%.
  • Includes an activity method for additionality assessment (Option C: Revenue streams of Methodology Requirements v4.0).

Developer: C-Quest Capital (opens on external site)
Dates of Public Consultation: 31 December 2019 – 30 January 2020
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A – No public comments received
VVB Assessment Report: N/A – minor revision with no VVB Assessment