
Approved 28 April 2016

Outcome Label

Pending Methodology Update

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)

Verra has issued Corrections and Clarifications for VM0010 Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.3 (PDF). The tracked changes version of the methodology is available under Development History Below. This correction is effective immediately and will be incorporated into the next version of the document.

The methodology quantifies the GHG benefits generated from preventing logging of forests that would have been logged in the absence of carbon finance. This methodology is applicable where the baseline scenario includes planned timber harvest, and under the project scenario, forest use is limited to activities that do not result in commercial timber harvest or forest degradation. This methodology is applicable to tropical, temperate or boreal forests.

Proposed revision

Development History

VM0010 Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.3

Status: Active since April 28, 2016
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Not Eligible, Pending Methodology Update
Summary of Changes: The methodology was revised to include emissions from:

  • Cleared biomass as a result of forestry infrastructure such as forestry roads, skidtrails and log landings,
  • Residual stand damage,
  • Fossil fuel combustion in forestry and wood processing machinery.

Developer: GreenCollar Climate Solutions (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: N/A – minor revision
Corrections and Clarifications: Corrections and Clarifications for VM0010 Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.3 (PDF)

VM0010 Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.2 (PDF)

Status: Active from March 27, 2013 to April 27, 2016
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Not Eligible
Summary of Changes: The methodology was updated in order to comply with Section 4.5.3 of the VCS AFOLU Requirements, v3.2, which requires methodologies to set out criteria and procedures to reliably establish the pattern of carbon loss in the baseline scenario. Specifically, the methodology has been updated to account for a 10-year linear decay of the dead wood pool, an immediate release of the wood waste and short-term wood product pools and a 20-year linear decay of the medium-term wood product pool.
Developer: GreenCollar Climate Solutions (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: N/A – minor revision

VM0010 Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.1 (PDF)

Status: Active from November 10, 2011 to March 26, 2013
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Not Eligible
Summary of Changes:

  1. In Equation 7 parameter CEX,i,k|BSL was clarified to be the mean carbon stock of extracted timber per unit area in stratum I, for wood product type k.
  2. Section 4.1.2, was clarified that only individual trees, species and strata which were to be harvested in the baseline scenario may be modeled for on-going forest growth in the project scenario.
  3. Equation 21 was modified to clarify that net greenhouse gas emissions in the project scenario are a result of the sum of emission from disturbance minus the annual carbon stock change in the aboveground biomass of trees due to forest growth.
    Parameter BECFR was clarified to have the unit t.d.m m-3.

Developer: GreenCollar Climate Solutions (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: N/A
VVB Assessment Report: N/A – minor revision

VM0010 Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest, v1.0 (PDF)

Status: Active from February 11, 2011 to November 9, 2011
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Not Eligible
Developer: GreenCollar Climate Solutions (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: January 13, 2010 to February 11, 2010
Summary of Public Consultation: Comment #1 (PDF), Comment #2 (PDF)
VVB Assessment Report: First Assessment Report for VM0010, v1.0 (PDF), Second Assessment Report for VM0010, v1.0 (PDF), Methodology Review Report for VM0010, v1.0 (PDF)
