7. On Hold 03 April 2024
14. Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
VM0045 is applicable to a wide range of improved forest management (IFM) practices and uses a dynamic performance benchmark for additionality and the crediting baseline created from national forest inventories.
The proposed revision introduces a new appendix and expands the geographic scope of the methodology to include Fennoscandian national forest inventories in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Further, the proposed revision corrects technical errors in Appendix 1.
Summary of Development
The methodology idea note was submitted by Foster Forestry and Environmental Consulting (external) and is currently on hold as per Section 3.1.7 (2) of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, 4.4 (PDF). Verra is preparing another major revision to VM0045, M0289, that may include these proposed revisions. Verra will reconsider resuming the development of this methodology idea note after the major revision to VM0045 is finalized or in Q2 2026.
Stakeholders interested in collaborating during methodology development or developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact methodologies@verra.org. Please include the Methodology Development ID# M0236 in the subject line.