
Active since 12 March 2024

Outcome Label

Reductions and Removals

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)

This methodology applies to a wide range of improved forest management (IFM) practices and uses a dynamic performance benchmark for additionality and the crediting baseline created from national forest inventories.

Eligible projects must adopt one or more specific, non-pre-existing, IFM practices. The focus of accounting is on estimation of GHG emissions and/or carbon stock change on permanent plots, not on estimation of stocks per se, therefore improving the precision of reported GHG emission reductions and/or removals.

The methodology employs a broad monitoring and accounting framework that captures the GHG impacts of IFM practices aimed at avoiding emissions (from harvest or natural disturbance) or enhancing sequestration. Projects may apply a combination of practices implemented together in the same area.

Please note: 
  • Projects seeking to complete registration under VM0045, v1.0 must have requested listing on the Verra Registry before March 12, 2024, and complete validation by March 12, 2025.

Development History

VM0045 Methodology for Improved Forest Management Using Dynamic Matched Baselines from National Forest Inventories, v1.1 

Status: Active since March 12, 2024
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reduction and Removal
Summary of Changes:

  • Version 1.1 enables project proponents to differentiate between Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) based on whether they are GHG emission reductions or carbon dioxide removals.

Developer: Verra with support from the American Forest Foundation (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: December 15, 2023, to January 15, 2024
Draft Shared During Public Consultation: VM0045, v1.1 Draft Methodology (PDF)
Summary of Public Consultation: Summary of Public Consultation for VM0045, v1.1 (PDF)
VVB Assessment Report(s): N/A – minor revision
Announcements:  Verra Releases Revised Improved Forest Management Methodology, Public Consultation: Minor Revisions to Improved Forest Management Methodology to Enable Distinction between Emission Reductions and Removals

VM0045 Methodology for Improved Forest Management Using Dynamic Matched Baselines from National Forest Inventories, v1.0 

Status: Active since October 25, 2022 to March 12, 2024
Grace Period: Projects that have requested listing on the Verra Registry before March 12, 2024, may complete validation using VM0045, v1.0 until March 12, 2025.
Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Not eligible
Developer: Family Forest Carbon Program (external)
Dates of Public Consultation: August 17, 2020 to September 16, 2020
Draft Shared During Public Consultation: N/A
Summary of Public Consultation: Summary of Public Comments for VM0045, v1.0 (PDF)
VVB Assessment Report: VVB Assessment Report for VM0045, v1.0 (PDF)