The SD VISta methodology approval process offers developers a pathway for building new methodologies and proposing new SD VISta asset types when no existing methodology or SD VISta assets address their needs. Under the methodology approval process, proposed methodologies are assessed by Verra staff and a technical assessment team.

The basic steps of the SD VISta methodology approval process:

  1. Methodology developer prepares and submits a methodology concept note
  2. Verra reviews the methodology concept
  3. Where the methodology concept meets established evaluation criteria, Verra accepts it into the methodology approval process
  4. After the concept note is accepted by Verra, the methodology developer prepares a draft methodology and submits it to Verra
  5. Verra reviews the draft methodology
  6. Verra posts the draft methodology to the Verra website for a 30-day public comment period
  7. Verra contracts with the technical assessment team to review the draft methodology and produce an assessment report
  8. Verra reviews the methodology and assessment report, and approves the methodology for use if it meets all SD VISta Program requirements

To see the complete rules and requirements for developing a methodology, please refer to the SD VISta asset methodology review and approval process, which is set out in the SD VISta Program Guide. A template for the methodology concept note will be available soon on the SD VISta Rules & Requirements page; please email for further information in the meantime.