9. Archived
9. Metal production
This methodology quantifies GHG emission reductions resulting from secondary manufacturing processes which produce metals, metal oxides, or alloys from metal-bearing waste streams. Secondary metal manufacturing processes are less energy-intensive and produce lower amounts of GHG emissions compared to primary metals manufacturing.
For the purposes of this methodology, the GHG emissions produced by the following manufacturing processes are being compared.
- Primary Metals Manufacturing includes the mining, extraction, and processing of virgin metal ores as the raw material to manufacture metals, metal oxides, or alloys.
- Secondary Metals Manufacturing includes processes that use metal-bearing waste streams to reclaim metal constituents for use as a raw material to manufacture metals, metal oxides, or alloys.
This methodology was informed primarily by CDM methodology AMS-III.BA, Recovery and recycling of materials from E-Waste, VCS Methodology VM0030, Methodology for Pavement Application using Sulphur Substitute, Version 1.0 and VCS Methodology VM0040, Methodology for Greenhouse Gas Capture and Utilization in Plastic Materials, Version 1.0.
The public comment period for this methodology is 20 January 2021 to 19 February 2021. Please submit any comments to secretariat@verra.org.
Public Comment
The public comment period for this methodology is 20 January 2021 to 19 February 2021.