
7. On Hold 15 December 2023

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)

Development ID#



Under Development

The proposed methodology is globally applicable and applies to project activities that sequester carbon through hemp cultivation and biomass storage in long-lived hemp products (hempcrete and batt insulation). Eligible project activities must ensure hemp is cultivated on degraded or marginal agricultural fields.


The concept note was put on hold by Verra, as per Section 2.1.5, of the Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.3 (PDF) due to non-permanence risks that need further assessment and resolution in order to resume this process. Verra will assess other climate change mitigation opportunities for the building sector (e.g., other bio-based building materials).

Stakeholders interested in collaborating in the further assessment of hempcrete or other opportunities in the building sector are encouraged to contact Please include Methodology Development ID# M0187 in the subject line.