7. On Hold 16 September 2024
14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)
The proposed methodology introduces advanced precision fertilization and irrigation techniques, with emphasis on fertilization through drip systems (fertigation) and Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF), as a strategic approach to significantly reduce GHG emissions while improving crop yields. The methodology uses an emissions intensity approach to quantify GHG emission reductions.
Summary of development
The methodology idea note was submitted by We-Agri (external) and Haifa Group (external) and is currently on hold, per Section of 3.1.7(2) the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF). Verra has decided to put the development of the proposed methodology on hold for the following reasons:
- Verra is already scoping the potential for further improvements on guidance for nitrogen (N) management and nitrous oxides (N2O) emissions reductions for VCS ALM methodologies. In July 2024, Verra launched a public consultation for a major revision of VM0042 to understand the demand for a revision on N-management and quantification of N2O emissions reductions. The outcome of this consultation will support the decision moving forward, including the decision on whether to reactivate the development of the proposed methodology.
Verra may reactivate the development of the proposed methodology if the following issues are addressed:
- Demonstration that the project activity achieves a minimum projected emissions reduction achieves a threshold of at least 100,000 tCO2e per year within five years.
- Availability and accessibility to robust datasets to support the development of emissions factors for reduction quantifications.
- Demonstration of financial attractiveness of the technology for scalability and upscaling worldwide.
Verra will reevaluate the status of this proposed methodology in Q3 2025. Stakeholders interested in collaborating during methodology development or developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact methodologies@verra.org. Please include the Methodology Development ID# M0321 in the subject line.