5. VVB Assessment
3. Energy demand
Under Development
The proposed methodology applies to project activities that deploy improved thermal energy generation units in households, community-based kitchens, institutions (e.g., schools, hospitals), or small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Improved thermal energy generation units include, but are not limited to, cookstoves, ovens, and dryers. The proposed methodology covers a broad set of activities and consolidates elements of existing methodologies currently approved for use within the VCS Program.
Existing and similar methodologies include the following:
- Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications (VMR0006)
- AMS-II.G. Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass
- AMS-I.E. Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user
The proposed methodology includes improvements to represent current best practices, streamlined monitoring approaches, and reflect the latest heat generation technologies, baseline fuels, and quantification methods.
Verra received several requests to revise and expand the scope of VMR0006 and decided to lead the development of a new consolidated methodology. Verra released a Request For Proposal (PDF) to find a qualified methodology developer and selected Atmosphere Alternative (external).
The proposed consolidated methodology is currently at Step 5: VVB Assessment of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.4 (PDF) (MDRP). As per section 2.1.2 of the MDRP, Verra is applying an alternative process and conducting the VVB Assessment with a limited scope.
The consultation for this proposed revision was open from 15 December 2023 to 15 January 2023. Stakeholders interested in developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact methodologies@verra.org. Please include the Methodology Development ID#M0174 in the subject line.