

Sectoral Scope

14. Agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU)

Development ID#



Under Development

This methodology developed by Mountain Association for Community Economic Development provides a quantification methodology for small (5000 acres or less) Non Industrial Private Forests (NIPF) in the Appalachian region of the US that have implemented a certified forest management plan to sustainable harvest their land. The baseline scenario for all small landowners within the region is the most economically advantageous method of harvests all timber than can be sold commonly referred to as high-grading. Each property will be inventoried and modeled using the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) from the U.S. Forest Service for both common practice and extended rotation age (ERA). Growth and yield modeling along with periodic forest inventories will be used to determine the crediting baseline and additionality. This methodology allows for the consolidation of multiple NIPFs into a single project to reduce project development and maintenance costs in accordance with VCS grouped project requirements.

Public Comment

This methodology was open for public comment from 19 August 2013 until 18 September 2013. Public comments are closed.