8. Rejected 14 June 2023
7. Transport
The proposed methodology applies to projects deploying hardware and software systems that collect high-fidelity traffic data, identify performance measures based on this data, and streamline traffic signal optimizations. Traffic Signal Optimization Systems (“TSOS”) help operators quickly identify traffic patterns and demand changes at intersections and proactively respond to operational and maintenance issues, reducing congestion, idling, and, subsequently, GHG emissions.
The concept note was rejected by Verra, as per Section 3.1.5 and 3.2.5(3) of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, 4.2 (PDF). The decision was based on the proposal’s low climate change mitigation potential compared to other proposals, the unclear role of carbon markets for these activities related to the low financial impact, and the risk that the complexity of the approach will not result in high uptake of project development.