Dear Colleague,

Welcome to Verra’s August Newsletter!

Many of you have seen and commented on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight show on carbon offsets. In an effort to put punchlines over truth, the well-known comedian got one thing about this market right — and many others wrong. We have published a response to explain how Oliver’s “analysis” misses the big picture and misrepresents some of the basic rules behind credible greenhouse gas crediting.

Despite criticism such as John Oliver’s, social and environmental markets are continuing to expand and evolve rapidly, and Verra continues to adapt to meet their demands and the needs of those who rely on Verra for high-quality certification. Earlier this year, we announced changes to streamline and accelerate our processes without sacrificing quality and are pleased to share an update about those changes.

We are continuing to grow the team and our capacity. For example, we recently filled several key leadership roles; other searches are still ongoing. In addition, we are strengthening training and oversight of validation/verification bodies (VVBs). We are also preparing to launch our new stakeholder portal soon. The portal will significantly streamline project review and registration processes, and enable project proponents to check the status of their projects throughout the review process.

In other news, we recently opened the public consultation on Verra’s approach to third-party crypto instruments and tokens.

Please also note that we will take a few days in September to assemble the entire Verra team, which has grown tremendously over the past two years, together in person for an all-staff retreat. As a result, Verra’s offices and Registry administrative services will be closed from 12 to 16 September.

During that time, we will not be answering emails or calls, and we ask that you please plan ahead accordingly.

Stakeholder Updates

VCS Program


Plastic Program

Regular Updates


Verra Staff at Events

Upcoming Events (Highlights)

Past Events (Highlights)

If you’d like to invite a Verra team member to speak at your event, please contact

Photos: Jeremy Bezanger (top), Vivianne Lemay (bottom)