Update (1/3/2025):

A provisional version allocated deforestation risk map is now also available for the Amazonas State.

Verra has released provisional versions of allocated deforestation risk maps for select jurisdictions. Proponents can use these data to conduct due diligence and explore the feasibility of using Verra’s new methodology for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) to register a project with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.

The newly released data cover the Brazilian states of Pará, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso and can be downloaded on the Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps–Timetable webpage.

The publication of these datasets is key to facilitating the next generation of high-quality forest conservation projects under VCS Methodology VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, v1.0 and VCS Module VMD0055 Estimation of Emission Reductions from Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation, v1.1. With this release, Verra is entering the final phase of implementing a transformational approach to baseline setting for REDD projects, a process that is Verra-led and more consistent with jurisdictional approaches.

With the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market’s (ICVCM) recent approval of VM0048 and the associated module VMD0055 as meeting the criteria of the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) Assessment Framework, projects using this methodology will receive CCP labels for the carbon credits they generate.

About the Risk Maps and Allocated Baseline Activity Data

The jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk are a lower-resolution (1 ha pixels), open-access version of the allocated risk maps of activity data that capture deforestation rates in a given jurisdiction. The provisional maps released today have been prepared by independent data service providers and reviewed by Verra; they are pending a final review by independent third parties to ensure they meet Verra’s stringent requirements as outlined in VMD0055 (Appendix 1). The final version of these jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk will remain publicly available on the Verra website.

To register a REDD project with Verra’s VCS Program, project proponents must acquire risk-allocated baseline activity data, which are derived from a higher-resolution version of the allocated deforestation risk map for that jurisdiction. These allocations can be requested through the Verra Project Hub. (See the Availability of Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps for details about the availability of this data; for more information about the Project Activity Data Allocation fee, see our recent announcement; additional information about how to request risk-allocated project baseline activity data is forthcoming.)

Setting Project Baselines

VMD0055-compliant allocated deforestation risk maps describe the rate of deforestation in a given area. Proponents use this information to set the baseline for their projects, an essential step in the project registration process that calculates the emissions from deforestation expected in the project area if no project is implemented. The comparison of this expected deforestation rate to the actual deforestation rate observed in the monitoring process determines how many emissions a project has helped to avoid and, in turn, how many carbon credits the project has generated.

For a project to determine its baseline, Verra will spatially allocate unplanned deforestation activity data to the project area based on deforestation risk. Proponents calculate their baseline emissions by acquiring the portions of jurisdictional risk maps covering the project and applicable leakage areas from Verra and applying project-specific emission factors.

Timetable for Jurisdictional Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps

In conjunction with this initial release of allocated risk maps for select jurisdictions, Verra has also published an updated, detailed timetable for the release of the remaining open- access jurisdictional allocated risk maps and VMD0055-compliant jurisdictional allocated risk maps.

The detailed timetable is included on the Availability of Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps.

Technical Briefing

Verra hosted a technical briefing on January 15, 2025, at 11:00 am ET, to provide an overview of jurisdictional allocated risk maps and explain the difference between the open-access data and VMD0055-compliant data, discuss possible discrepancies between these data and government data, and lay out the next steps in the final phase of operationalizing VM0048 and VMD0055.

Implications for VCS Projects

Registered AUD projects using a REDD methodology other than VM0048 and VMD0055 in Verra’s VCS Program must transition to using VM0048 and VMD0055. The specific timing of this transition will depend on (1) the current status of the project and (2) the availability of jurisdictional allocated deforestation risk maps and VMD0055-compliant project baseline activity data for the jurisdiction in which a project is located. More details about the required transition of VCS REDD projects can be found on the Transition Process by Project Status webpage.

It is possible that changing to VM0048 and VMD0055 will impact the quantified emission reductions of these projects since VM0048 and VMD0055 utilize a different accounting approach. Under this new approach, the carbon accounting of all AUD projects in a jurisdiction (e.g., national or first subnational unit) will be proportionate to the total deforestation in that jurisdiction and will factor in carefully analyzed deforestation risk information.

Broader Impact

Verra will keep the jurisdictional allocated risk maps freely available on its website. It will also share these data with jurisdictional governments who can use it, for example, in support of their efforts to achieve national climate action targets outlined in the Paris Agreement or for the development or advancement of country REDD programs.
