Projects in Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program that use VCS Methodology VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, v1.0 and VCS Module VMD0055 Estimation of Emission Reductions from Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation, v1.1 are required to use VMD0055-compliant project baseline activity data derived from jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk to set the baseline for their projects, an essential step in the project registration process.

The timetable lists the jurisdictions for which Verra is developing these risk maps, and the current stage of the development process.

The first stage of the development process includes the generation of a provisional lower-resolution (1 ha) version of the allocated deforestation risk maps (open-access data) for a given jurisdiction.
Next, Verra will release the final, higher-resolution allocated deforestation risk maps, which can be accessed through the Verra Project Hub. At this point, the open-access version of the maps will be finalized and made publicly available on this page. To register a REDD project with Verra’s VCS Program, project proponents must acquire the VMD0055-compliant allocated deforestation risk maps and the risk-allocated project baseline activity data (VMD0055-compliant data). (For more information about the Project Activity Data Allocation fee, see the relevant announcement.)

Proponents can use the open-access risk maps to conduct initial due diligence and explore the feasibility of registering a project with Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program under Verra’s new REDD methodology and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation.

Verra will inform all proponents with projects listed on or registered in the Verra Registry once data development for the jurisdiction in which they are located commences and once either version of the data is available.

Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps: Timetable

The timetable linked below indicates (1) when Verra has published or anticipates publishing the provisional allocated deforestation risk maps for each jurisdiction (open-access data), and (2) when the final allocated deforestation risk maps and VMD0055-compliant project baseline activity data (VMD0055-compliant data) for each jurisdiction are available in the Verra Project Hub.

Technical Notes about the Data

Here we provided detailed information on the technical requirements for Verra’s allocated deforestation risk maps, including on cases in which discrepancies between Verra’s data and national government datasets arise.

Jurisdictional Activity Data by Data Service Provider at each Stage of the Process

The table linked below lists the Data Service Provider at each stage, as noted in the description of status above, for each of the jurisdictions where Verra has begun activity data collection, risk mapping, and activity data allocation.

Opportunities to Contribute

Note Regarding Independence from Conflict of Interest

All contracted data service providers must avoid conflict of interest (COI) in undertaking activity data collection and risk mapping.

Entities contracted to provide these services must not have any financial interest in any specific project.

Where a contractor receives data from project proponents, they must analyze the data for comparability with other available data sources. This analysis should include ensuring any data received from project proponents is without bias, meets all relevant accuracy requirements, and is consistent with other data used throughout the jurisdiction. The contractor must submit to Verra a report of the data used, the source, and how the data is free from COI. An independent reviewer shall assess the report. If the independent reviewer or Verra identifies that the contractor has a COI, Verra will immediately terminate the data service provider’s contract.


Roster of Approved Data Service Providers

In 2022, 2023 and 2024, Verra approved data service providers to work with jurisdictions and collect deforestation activity data for use with this methodology. Additional service providers will be added to the list as they are selected (see the Current Opportunities section above).

FAQs: Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps

These FAQs provide information on Verra’s allocated deforestation risk maps.