Welcome to the fourth issue of Verra’s Plastic Program Newsletter, where we share updates on Verra’s Plastic Waste Reduction Program (Plastic Program).
If you have questions or comments about the newsletter, please contact plasticstandard@verra.org.
Corrections and Clarifications Published for the Plastic Program
Verra has published corrections and clarifications to several documents in the Plastic Waste Reduction Program (Plastic Program): PWRM0001 Plastic Waste Collection Methodology, v1.1; PWRM0002 Plastic Waste Recycling Methodology, v1.1; and Plastic Program Definitions, v1.0 (PDF).
These corrections and clarifications include updates to guidance on regulatory surplus and baseline requirements, term definitions, and language in methodology applicability conditions.
New Resource: Discussion Paper – Plastic Credits and Inclusive EPR
Verra has released a new discussion paper “Plastic Credits as an Innovative Financial Instrument” (PDF) to introduce how Plastic Credits could support the implementation of inclusive extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).
The paper is a precursor to a more detailed case study report that will look at the specific opportunities for Plastic Credits to support the implementation of inclusive EPR in Ghana. It will be released ahead of the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop a Global Plastics Treaty (INC-5) later this year in Korea.
Regional Workshop: Indonesia
On July 31, Verra’s Plastic Team hosted a capacity-building workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia. The workshop was attended by 60+ stakeholders, including Indonesian policymakers from Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) (external), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) (external), the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas (external), and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (external).
Mr. Rofi Alhanif, Assistant Deputy for Waste Management, CMMAI, was the keynote speaker. Other panelists included representatives from five listed and/or registered Plastic Program projects in the region, as well as staff from the Asian Development Bank and regional initiatives that work closely with the Indonesian government, including the Indonesia National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) (external) and UN Environment Programme Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (UNEP COBSEA) (external).
Please see below a brief video about this workshop.
New World Bank Report on Plastic Credits
A new report by the World Bank, “Unlocking Financing to Combat the Plastics Crisis: Opportunities, Risks, and Recommendations for Plastic Credits,” recognizes Verra’s Plastic Program as one of three fully independent plastic crediting programs that exist today.
The report includes an overview of how plastic credits work, as well as commentary and analysis on the plastic credit market today and a summary of the ways plastic credits can interact with or support extended producer responsibility (EPR) systems.
New Projects Registered
New projects are being registered and verified with the Plastic Program each month. See below for a list of projects that have recently completed their registration and/or verification approval process:
- Starboard Plastic Offset Program (POP) (external), Thailand (Verra Project 2793)
- Project Hara Kal, India (Verra Project 3744)
- Ghana Plastic Waste Recovery and Recycling Project, Ghana (Verra Project 4431)
- Plastic Waste Recycling and Improving Waste Picker Livelihoods in Kenya, Kenya (Verra Project 3838)
- Verynile – Nile River Cleaning Plastic Program, Egypt (Verra Project 4017)
- ASASE Foundation Community-based Collection and Recycling Project, Ghana (Verra Project 3964)
- Upsyde: Producing Durable Goods From Hard-To-Recycle Plastic Waste, Netherlands (Verra Project 4432)
Visit the Verra Registry to see the status of all projects undergoing the registration and/or verification process with Verra’s Plastic Program.
Projects Listed and Registered with the Plastic Program as of September 2024

Upcoming Events
Verra staff regularly attends virtual and in-person events. Please visit the Events page on the Verra website for up-to-date information about such engagements.
- September 12, 2024: High-Level Roundtable Discussion on Plastic Waste Management Challenges and Solutions (New Delhi, India)
- October 16, 2024: Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association International Plastics Conference (external) (Hybrid)
- November 25 – December 1, 2024: Fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop a Global Plastics Treaty (INC-5) (external) (Busan, South Korea)
To invite a Verra staff member to an event or podcast, please contact events@verra.org.
Webinar Recordings
Verra recently hosted two webinars to provide an overview of its Plastic Program to specific regional stakeholder groups. Please find links to the recordings and slides below.