The VCS Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework comprises the world’s first accounting and verification requirements for jurisdictional REDD+ programs and nested projects. It serves as a comprehensive carbon accounting and crediting platform to guide development of governmental REDD+ programs and help nest REDD+ projects and subnational jurisdictions within these programs.
Programs and nested projects verified under VCS JNR may issue VCUs to finance their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhance sustainable use of the world’s forests. The JNR framework is rigorous enough to meet the needs of market-based mechanisms around the world, such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is also aligned with the Paris Agreement.
Rules and Requirements
Components and rules of the VCS Program, including those elements noted below, provide the basis for the JNR framework.
- VCS projects that are nested in JNR programs follow VCS Program methodologies.
- JNR programs and nested programs must be independently assessed by a third-party validation/verification body (VVB).
- Registration of JNR programs and nested REDD+ projects in the Verra Registry facilitates the transparent listing of information about such programs and projects. It also ensures their uniqueness as well as that of VCUs in the system
- Verra provides a Complaints and Appeals Policy that applies to all standards and programs managed by Verra.
JNR rules define the specific requirements and processes which all jurisdictional forest reference emission levels (FRELs) and jurisdictional programs must follow to be certified. JNR rules are set out in a suite of documents in the following categories: Requirements, Procedural, and Templates and Forms.
These documents are updated periodically. Please check this page to ensure you are using the latest version of a given document.
Requirements documents set out the core principles and requirements for developing jurisdictional FRELs, jurisdictional programs and nested projects, and generating GHG credits that are real, additional, permanent, independently verified and transparently registered. All jurisdictional elements are assessed against these requirements to determine whether they are eligible to register with the VCS Program.
JNR Program Guide, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Program Guide is the overarching program document for the Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Framework. It is complemented by the JNR Scenario 1 Requirements, JNR Scenario 2 Requirements and JNR Scenario 3 Requirements. |
JNR Scenario 1 Requirements, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Scenario 1 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for jurisdictional forest reference emission levels (FRELs), and nested projects and/or nested lower-level jurisdictional programs. |
JNR Scenario 2 Requirements, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Scenario 2 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for national and subnational Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programs with nested projects and/or nested lower-level jurisdictional programs. |
JNR Scenario 3 Requirements, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Scenario 3 Requirements sets out detailed requirements for national and subnational Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programs without nested projects or lower-level jurisdictional programs. |
Exemption Request Procedure, v1.0 (PDF) | Issued: 27 November 2024 The Exemption Request Procedure applies to all Verra programs. It provides criteria and requirements for project proponents and validation/verification bodies that wish to submit an exemption request to a Verra program rule or requirement. |
Procedural documents describe the steps required to perform different functions of the JNR Program, including the process for validating and verifying jurisdictional elements and how to apply for jurisdictional element registration. These documents guide users of the JNR Program through these different processes.
JNR Validation and Verification Process, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 21 December 2022 The JNR Validation and Verification Process document sets out the procedures and rules for reviewing national and subnational jurisdictional and nested REDD+ (JNR) programs. |
JNR Registration and Issuance Process, v4.2 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Registration and Issuance Process document sets out the procedures and rules for registering national and subnational JNR programs. Notice: The following Clarifications to the Registration and Issuance Process, v4.6 have been issued and will be incorporated into the next issued version of the document. The current version of the Registration and Issuance Process must be interpreted and applied consistently with the relevant Clarifications. |
JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool, v4.1 (PDF) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Updated: 19 August 2024 The JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool sets out the procedure for conducting non-permanence risk analysis and buffer determination for JNR programs. |
VT0007 Unplanned Deforestation Allocation (UDef-A) | This tool allows allocating portions of the jurisdictional Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) to nested projects and lower-level jurisdictional programs according to deforestation and forest degradation risk. |
Templates and forms are provided to ensure that users of the JNR Program have a consistent structure to work from when completing certain documents. These templates are required for the completion of jurisdictional FREL and jurisdictional program descriptions, validation reports, monitoring reports, verification reports and other required documentation.
JNR Program Description, v3.2 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 JNR program description template for the development of jurisdictional REDD+ programs applying Scenario 2 or 3. |
JNR Baseline Description, v3.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 JNR baseline description template for the development of jurisdictional baselines applying Scenario 1. |
JNR Monitoring Report, v3.1 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 JNR monitoring report template. |
JNR Validation Report, v3.1 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 JNR validation report template. |
JNR Non-Permanence Risk Report, v3.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Risk report template for describing and analyzing the non-permanence risk for jurisdictional REDD+ programs. |
JNR Program Listing Representation (single JP), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional REDD+ program listing with VCS. |
JNR Program Listing Representation (multiple JPs), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional REDD+ program with multiple jurisdictional proponents listing with VCS. |
JNR FREL Listing Representation (single JP), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional FREL listing with VCS. |
JNR FREL Listing Representation (multiple JPs), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional FREL with multiple jurisdictional proponents listing with VCS. |
JNR Program Validation Representation, v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect the jurisdictional REDD+ program validation. |
JNR FREL Validation Representation, v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional FREL validation. |
JNR Program Registration Representation (single JP), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional REDD+ program. |
JNR Program Registration Representation (multiple JPs), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional REDD+ program with multiple jurisdictional proponents. |
JNR FREL Registration Representation (single JP), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect to the jurisdictional FREL. |
JNR FREL Registration Representation (multiple JPs), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional FREL with multiple jurisdictional proponents. |
JNR Program Verification Representation, v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of the jurisdictional REDD+ program verification. |
JNR Program Issuance Representation (single JP), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of GHG emission reductions or removals achieved by the jurisdictional REDD+ program. |
JNR Program Issuance Representation (multiple JPs), v4.0 (DOC) | Issued: 15 April 2021 Deed of representation issued in respect of GHG emission reductions or removals achieved by a jurisdictional REDD+ program with multiple jurisdictional proponents. |
Exemption Request Form, v1.0 (DOC) | Issued: 27 November 2024 Form to be completed by project proponents and validation/verification bodies requesting an exemption in line with the Exemption Request Procedure. |
Corrections to Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) Validation and Verification Process V3.0 (PDF) | Issued: March 14, 2025 |
Additional Resources:
Finally, note that the JNR Program rules have progressed through a number of iterations over time. Previous versions of the JNR Program rules which are no longer in use are archived on the Verra website.
Governance and Development
JNR Version 4 was released on 15 April 2021 after extensive consultations with experts around the world and close engagement with members of the JNR Advisory Group and JNR Stakeholder Group.
National approaches to implementing REDD+ are evolving rapidly around the world. Many governments are designing policies and regulations to integrate projects into their national REDD+ strategies, carbon pricing mechanisms, and carbon accounting. These policies and regulations may include specific procedures related to when and how projects should nest into national or subnational programs or forest reference emission levels (FRELs).
When such policies and regulations are implemented or changed, Verra will require projects to follow them.
Disclaimer on Jurisdictional Nesting Regulations and Policies