
Active 09 October 2024

Outcome Label


Sectoral Scope

3. Energy demand

This methodology applies to project activities that deploy improved cookstoves in households, communities, institutions, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. The emission reductions result either from enhanced efficiency and/or fuel switch to lower greenhouse gas-intensive fuels (i.e., involving the replacement of fossil fuels and non-renewable biomass).

This methodology is eligible for immediate use in the VCS Program and replaces VMR0006, v1.2 and VMR0011, v1.0. It includes several updates and changes that reflect current best practices of project design and implementation in distributed thermal energy generation. It also incorporates streamlined monitoring approaches such as direct measurement techniques (e.g., stove use monitors, fuel weight sensors, electricity meters), prescribes robust means for the determination of parameter values (like fNRB), and contains updated default values for various ex-ante parameters (like baseline device efficiency). Moreover, it covers a broad set of activities and consolidates elements of the following methodologies:

  1. VCS Methodology Revision VMR0006 Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2
  2. VCS Methodology Revision VMR0011 Switch from Non-Renewable Biomass For Thermal Applications by the User, v1.0
  3. AMS-II.G. Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass, v13.1 (external)
  4. AMS-I.E. Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal applications by the user, v13.0 (external)
  • Projects that request listing on the Verra registry on or after October 9, 2024, and projects renewing their crediting period that complete validation after May 31, 2025, must validate using VM0050.
  • Projects that complete validation before May 31, 2025, have the option to complete validation under VRM0006, v1.2 or VMR0011, v1.0.
  • Registered projects using AMS-II.G., AMS I.E., VMR0006, or VMR0011 can update past verification periods and requantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from these periods in accordance with VM0050 and the forthcoming Methodology Change and Requantification Procedure.
  • All projects must use VM0050 starting with the 2027 vintage year at the latest. For projects switching to VM0050 for the 2027 vintage year, the updated project description can be validated and submitted along with the verification and monitoring reports for that year. Such submissions can be made up to five years after the last verification.
  • On February 3, 2025, Verra released VM0050 v1.0 Corrections and Clarifications (PDF). All new projects and projects on the Verra registry must complete validation using these corrections and clarifications.

Development History

Status: Active since October 09, 2024
Grace Period:

  • Projects that request listing on the Verra registry on or after October 9, 2024, and projects renewing their crediting period that complete validation after May 31, 2025, must validate using VM0050.
  • Projects that complete validation before May 31, 2025, have the option to complete validation under VRM0006, v1.2 or VMR0011, v1.0.
  • Registered projects using AMS-II.G., AMS I.E., VMR0006, or VMR0011 can update past verification periods and requantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from these periods in accordance with VM0050 and the forthcoming Methodology Change and Requantification Procedure.
  • All projects must use VM0050 starting with the 2027 vintage year at the latest. For projects switching to VM0050 for the 2027 vintage year, the updated project description can be validated and submitted along with the verification and monitoring reports for that year. Such submissions can be made up to five years after the last verification.

Mitigation Outcome Label Eligibility: Reductions
Developer(s): Verra, Atmosphere Alternative (external). This was a Verra led process where Atmosphere Alternative was selected as a consultant after issuing a Request For Proposals (PDF). Atmosphere Alternative served as the key developer with technical and administrative support from Verra. Per section 2.1.2 of the MDRP, Verra applied an alternative process and conducted a VVB Assessment with a limited scope.
Dates of Public Consultation: December 15, 2023 to January 15, 2024
Draft Shared During Public Consultation: VM0050, v1.0 Draft Methodology (PDF)
Summary of Public Consultation: Summary of Public Comment, VM0050, v1.0 (PDF)
VVB Assessment Report(s): VVB Assessment Report for VM0050, v1.0 (PDF)
Corrections and Clarifications(s): VM0050 v1.0 Corrections and Clarifications (PDF) (issued February 3, 2025)