Verra will have a strong presence at North American Carbon World (NACW) (external), which will take place in Los Angeles, CA, from March 25 to 27, 2025. As one of North America’s largest conferences on carbon markets and climate policy, NACW presents a valuable opportunity for Verra to engage with and learn from other attendees as we work toward our shared mission of advancing climate solutions.

The following Verra staff will be in attendance:

  • Mandy Rambharos, chief executive officer
  • Scott Greenberg, senior director, marketing and business development
  • Jonathon Alcock, manager, supply chain innovation

The Verra team looks forward to discussing the latest developments around North American climate policy, markets, and finance. Please see below for a list of speaking engagements.

We are also excited to connect with stakeholders throughout the conference and hope you will visit us at our exhibit booth (#17). If you would like to meet with our staff during the conference, please reach out to with a brief note explaining your interest.

Verra-Hosted Event

Tuesday, March 25

  • Tuesday, March 25, 2:45–3:45 pm PT
  • Location: San Gabriel B
  • Host: Verra and SustainCERT (external)
  • Verra staff: Jonathon Alcock, manager, supply chain innovation

Companies struggle to measure and report their value chain interventions using purely inventory accounting methods. Many are turning to the methods, processes, and principles in voluntary carbon markets for inspiration and direction on how to quantify and account the impacts of interventions within their value chain. However, there is little to no standardization of how this is done, and concerns abound about the rigor, credibility, and transparency of this approach. 
Companies need to meet fast-approaching emissions targets; we do not have time to reinvent the wheel. Could adaptation of the voluntary carbon market’s infrastructure, knowledge, and processes provide a solution? This is the question that will be posed to a panel of leading experts and to the audience in this engaging workshop, co-moderated by SustainCERT and Verra. 


Tuesday, March 25

  • Tuesday, March 25, 9:00–10:00 am PT
  • Location: San Gabriel A
  • Host: American Forest Foundation
  • Verra staff: Mandy Rambharos, chief executive officer

Permanence is a perennial challenge for Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) projects. Crediting programs have traditionally relied on estimates of reversal risk and management systems that lack sufficient assurance of permanence and recourse for reversals. This panel will look toward the future and discuss how the market can do better at managing permanence while simultaneously increasing efficiency and scale.

Thursday, March 27

  • Thursday, March 27, 1:30–2:30 pm PT
  • Location: Santa Anita
  • Verra staff: Mandy Rambharos, chief executive officer

There continues to be a vociferous debate about the role of Scope 3 emissions in any entity’s mitigation strategy, including how best to mitigate these emissions. This session will examine the various views for how best to address Scope 3 emissions, their role in an overall mitigation strategy, the guidance provided by entities such as VCMI and SBTi, and the advantages of different Scope 3 mitigation strategies.