Verra is revising VM0033 Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration, v2.0 to include conservation activities and to ensure that the methodology reflects the most up-to-date science, data, and technology for blue carbon ecosystems.

The changes to VM0033 will include the following:

Addition of tidal wetland conservation activities, including:

  • Protecting at-risk wetlands (e.g., establishing conservation easements, community-supported management agreements, or other forms of additional protection; preventing the disruption of water and/or sediment supply to wetland areas)
  • Improving water management on drained wetlands
  • Maintaining or improving water quality for seagrass meadows
  • Recharging sediment to avoid drowning of coastal wetlands
  • Creating accommodation space for wetlands migrating with sea-level rise.

These activities are currently covered in VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework (REDD+MF), v1.6.

Updates to rules concerning tidal wetland restoration activities, including:

  • New procedures to quantify leakage
  • Updated methods to establish project baselines

Other general updates, including:

  • Revised procedures for quantifying soil organic carbon
  • Revised additionality assessment for tidal wetland conservation and restoration activities

Verra is managing the development process for this methodology and has hired Silvestrum Climate Associates (opens in new tab) as the developer.

Per the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.2 (PDF), the revision process will include a 30-day public consultation, validation/verification body assessment, and final review and approval by Verra.

Upon release of the revised methodology, Verra will inactivate the use of the tidal wetland modules in VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework (REDD+MF), v1.6. Projects using VM0007 that have requested pipeline listing on the Verra Registry prior to that date will have a six-month grace period to complete validation and request registration. All other projects must use the new version of VM0033.

If you have any questions, please contact Liz Guinessey, Manager, Food and Blue Carbon Innovation (