Verra’s Plastic Program team will attend the third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) (external) to develop an international legally binding instrument to curb plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. The session will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, from November 13 to 19.
Representatives from Verra will include Komal Sinha, Director, Plastics and Sustainable Development Policy and Markets; Kristen Linscott, Senior Program Officer, Plastics Policy and Markets; and Christina Irven, Manager, Events and External Initiatives.
In advance of INC-3, Verra’s Plastic Program team submitted written recommendations to the INC Secretariat. These recommendations, which build on work from the second session of the INC (INC-2), advocate for the use of Plastic Credit finance as a valuable mechanism to support the Global Plastic Treaty’s objectives.
Verra will also be hosting a side event titled “Financing Plastic Waste Reduction in Lesser Developed Countries through Plastic Credits” with the following participants:
- Komal Sinha, Director, Plastics and Sustainable Development Policy and Markets, Verra
- Daniel Paffenholz, CEO, TakaTaka Solutions
- Nicole Dewing, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Africa Carbon & Commodities
Moderator: Kristen Linscott, Senior Program Officer, Plastics Policy and Markets, Verra
If you will be in Nairobi for INC-3 and would like to connect with Verra staff, please email