Program Overview
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program.
Areas of focus
Spotlight: REDD

Verra sets the standard with best-in-class methodologies and project review processes. Reach out today to learn more.
Learn more about how to develop a project using our groundbreaking REDD methodology, which enables the development of forest conservation projects with best-in-class environmental integrity. This innovative approach combines a streamlined project development process with rigorous accounting methods, empowering proponents to make a meaningful impact in the fight against deforestation and climate change.
Ready to develop your REDD project or want to know more about how to transition your current REDD project to the new methodology? Visit our comprehensive VM0048 Project Guide (link) to access all the resources, tools, and support you need to get started today.
How it Works
Whether focusing on geologic carbon sequestration, forestry, agriculture, or another sector, projects developed in the VCS Program must undergo a rigorous assessment process. Once certified, these projects are eligible to be issued Verified Carbon Units (VCUs), with one VCU representing one metric tonne of carbon dioxide reduced or removed from the atmosphere. Projects can monetize these VCUs in the carbon market to support and scale up their climate change mitigation activities.
VCUs issued by projects that meet additional requirements can be tagged with a label that allow the associated VCU to be traded in certain markets. These labels can indicate a project’s compliance with non-VCS standards programs or that it is qualified to be traded in specific markets. Some of these labels pertain to other Verra standards, such as the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards, while others are external to Verra, such as the W+ Standard for projects that empower women.

The VCS Standard lays out the rules and requirements that projects must follow in order to be certified; in addition, the VCS Program includes three other essential components:
VCS Program projects are subject to independent auditing by both Verra staff and qualified third parties. This ensures that a project meets the standard’s rules and requirements; that its methodologies are properly applied; that it complies with local laws and regulations; and that no local stakeholders experience negative repercussions because of the project.
Accounting Methodologies set out detailed procedures and peer-reviewed emission reduction formulas for quantifying the GHG benefits of a project. Each methodology covers a specific set of activities for a distinct project type.
Finally, all information related to VCS projects is stored and publicly available in a Registry System. The Verra Registry also tracks the generation and retirement of all VCUs.
In addition to this system of checks and balances, each VCS Program project undergoes a public comment period during which anyone can indicate whether they believe the project meets VCS Program standards. These comments enter the Verra Registry and must be considered by the project leads.
See Recent VCS News
Starting a VCS Project: What to Expect
Looking to develop a project using the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)? This section outlines important information you should know before you begin.
1. Before You Begin
2. Fees and Finances
3. Timelines
4. Next Steps
VCS at a glance
Tonnes of greenhouse gases reduced and removed
VCS projects around the world
Countries using the VCS for projects
Frequently Asked Questions
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General Questions
Verra provides the rules, requirements and methodologies that help guide stakeholders. Stakeholders may contact Verra with specific questions about our rules and process.
In case you need assistance with the project development process, the International Emissions Trading Association has a list of members (external) who can assist you.
As a standard-setting body, Verra does not offer training or specific advice on Verra’s programs. Verra regularly hosts webinars on select programs, methodologies, rules and requirements.
Recordings of past webinars can be found on Verra’s website under “Podcasts and Webinars”.
You may subscribe to Verra’s mailing list and follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn for information about any future webinars.
You may subscribe to Verra’s mailing list and follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn for information about any future webinars.
Verra is headquartered in Washington DC, United States. While our staff are based around the world, Verra does not have specific country representatives. For any country-specific matters, please email
Please visit our “Contact Us” page for information about how to reach out to us.
To feature Verra’s logos on your website or communications, please see our Logo Use page.
Project-Related Questions
Methodologies set out detailed procedures for quantifying the actual greenhouse gas benefits of a project and provide guidance to help project developers determine project boundaries, set baselines, assess additionality, and ultimately quantify the GHG emissions that were reduced or removed.
All Verra-approved methodologies can be found on our “Methodologies” page. Please note that Verra also accepts methodologies developed under the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (external). The same is true for methodologies developed by the Climate Action Reserve (external), except for their forest protocols.
As a first step, we recommend reviewing the “Develop a Methodology” page for a brief overview of the process. First, a methodology developer prepares and submits a concept note to Verra. Upon approval, the methodology developer proceeds with writing the methodology. The methodology will then undergo a public comment period and be assessed by an independent VVB. You can also find the process outlined in the Methodology Approval Process. For methodology requirements, please see the Methodology Requirements. The proposed methodology will be assessed according to these requirements.
Methodology developers can develop new methodologies when no existing methodology addresses their needs. Under the Methodology Approval Process, proposed methodologies are reviewed by Verra and assessed and validated by an approved validation/verification body (VVB).
At times, Verra may choose to revise a methodology or tool, and stakeholders may also submit proposals for methodology or tool revisions. The guidelines for the methodology revision process are outlined in the Methodology Approval Process.
The cost to develop a methodology varies according to the individual circumstances of the methodology. All methodology development fees associated with Verra are outlined in the Program Fee Schedule (PDF).
As a standard-setting body, Verra does not track the external cost of methodology development, including research, development, and assessment costs.
Verra provides the rules and requirements for a methodology to be developed in Verra’s standards programs.
Verra does not provide consulting services to methodology developers who are proposing a new methodology or a revision to an existing methodology.
If you would like to work with a consultant to develop a methodology or revision, we encourage you to reach out to other service providers.
Validation and Verification
A validation/verification body (VVB) is an independent, third-party auditor approved by Verra to perform validation or verification services for projects that are registered or intend to register under the VCS Program, CCB Program, SD VISta Program, and the Plastic Waste Reduction Program.
We recommend that you review our “Become a VVB” page for instructions on how to become a Verra-approved VVB.
The location of all Verra-approved validation/verification bodies (VVBs) can be found on Verra’s “Validation and Verification” page. A project developer may select a VVB to validate or verify a project in a different country as long as the VVB is accredited to conduct validation or verification for the project’s specific sectoral scope.
Verra’s programs have different requirements for remote or in-person site visits. You may find the specific rules and requirements for site visits during validation and verification processes outlined in the following project documents:
- VCS Program: VCS Standard
- CCBS Program: CCB Program Rules
- SD VISta Program: SD VISta Program Guide
- Plastic Waste Reduction Program: Plastic Waste Reduction Standard