These FAQs provide information on Verra’s allocated deforestation risk maps, which are used to develop high-quality forest conservation projects under Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0048 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, v1.0 and VCS Module VMD0055 Estimation of Emission Reductions from Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation, v1.1.

The FAQs are intended to support project proponents, corporations, and other stakeholders in navigating this transition toward higher-integrity carbon credits.

This FAQ page will be updated regularly as more information becomes available.

General Information

Allocated deforestation risk maps are datasets that are used to calculate deforestation baselines for forest carbon projects using Verra’s new REDD methodology and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation. Proponents use this information to set the baseline for their projects, an essential step in the project registration process that calculates the emissions from deforestation expected in the project area if no project is implemented. The comparison of this expected deforestation rate to the actual deforestation rate observed in the monitoring process determines how many emissions a project has helped to avoid and, in turn, how many carbon credits the project has generated.

Verra has developed jurisdiction-scale estimates of unplanned deforestation using photointerpretation of imagery. To subset the jurisdictional estimates of unplanned deforestation for the purposes of calculating project baselines, Verra is collaborating with expert data service providers to develop jurisdictional deforestation risk maps, which provide pixel-level estimates of deforestation risk. The jurisdictional estimate of unplanned deforestation is allocated proportional to the local risk so that higher-risk pixels receive a larger proportion of the jurisdictional estimate of unplanned deforestation.

There are two access tiers of the data: (1) open-access jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk and (2) VMD0055-compliant jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk.

The jurisdictional maps of allocated deforestation risk are a lower-resolution (1 ha pixels), open-access version of the allocated risk maps that capture deforestation rates in a given jurisdiction. They are made publicly available for transparency and enable project proponents to conduct due diligence and explore the feasibility of using Verra’s new methodology for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) to register a project with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program. These open-access data are free and accessible to all stakeholders.

These are the undegraded, native-resolution, final version of the allocated deforestation risk maps, available for purchase. This dataset provides detailed information that proponents need for formal project documentation, third-party validation, and final project registration. Proponents ready to submit a Project Description Document (PDD) or other project documentation can request data for areas within the project boundaries and leakage belt extents for the purposes of calculating project baselines. The data are also available for larger-scale (jurisdictional scale) purchase on request.

Verra will make available two versions of open-access jurisdictional allocated deforestation risk maps: the provisional version and the final version. The provisional version of the data is still undergoing final, third-party review to ensure the data meet Verra’s stringent requirements as outlined in VMD0055 (Appendix 1). After this review has been completed, Verra will release the final version of the respective allocated deforestation risk maps. At this point, project-level risk-allocated baseline activity data can also be requested.

Release Timeline and Data Availability

The phased release began on December 18, 2024. On that date, provisional allocated deforestation risk map datasets for the Brazilian states of Pará, Rondônia, and Mato Grosso were published.

The final open-access allocated deforestation risk maps for these jurisdictions will be made available in early 2025. All activity data will be released on a rolling basis. Please see the Availability of Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps for more information.

Yes. Verra will provide an open-access version of the data for each jurisdiction. Proponents can use these data to conduct due diligence and explore the feasibility of using Verra’s new methodology for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) to register a project with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.

Data Features and Methodology

Verra is collecting and processing data according to VMD0055 data requirements to ensure consistency across all projects using Verra’s REDD methodology and AUD module that are in the same jurisdictions.

It is possible that there are discrepancies between Verra’s data and national government datasets for various reasons.

First, reference periods and data sources can vary. Verra may align its reference periods with project-level activities, while national governments typically use fixed periods tied to international reporting commitments, such as the Warsaw Framework for REDD+. Similarly, the choice of reference data—whether satellite imagery, historical land cover maps, or other inputs—can influence the observed trends in deforestation.

Second, estimation methods may diverge. Verra is employing statistical sampling approaches that produce robust estimates with confidence intervals, while national governments may rely on pixel-counting methods that are more susceptible to classification errors and bias.

Lastly, Verra distinguishes between unplanned deforestation, such as smallholder agriculture and illegal logging, and planned deforestation, like large-scale concessions or infrastructure projects. In contrast, national datasets may aggregate all deforestation types or make generalized assumptions about drivers, leading to totals that are not directly comparable.

Country-specific technical notes:

  • For additional information specific to Brazil and data from the Program for the Calculation of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PRODES) data, please refer to this technical note.

Because deforestation risk is allocated under VM0048 and VMD0055, projects in areas with a high deforestation risk will have higher baselines than other areas, and also potentially higher baselines than if they used a different methodological approach. By contrast, projects in areas with a lower deforestation risk may have lower baselines than if they used a different methodological approach.

This approach drives financial resources to high-risk areas where intervention is most needed.

To generate carbon credits, projects must implement activities that reduce deforestation and demonstrate that they reduced emissions while meeting rigorous monitoring and verification standards.

Implications for Stakeholders

This approach will provide:

  • Access to more accurate, jurisdiction-specific data about deforestation risk
  • The opportunity to conduct early due diligence and use the open-access data to explore the feasibility of using Verra’s new methodology for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and module for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) to register a project with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program
  • The ability to generate carbon credits with Core Carbon Principles (CCP) labels

This new approach will deliver:

  • High-integrity carbon credits backed by a robust methodological approach and a rigorous data collection process
  • Confidence that carbon credit purchases will support projects that are underpinned by rigorous carbon accounting standards
  • The opportunity to help advance the next generation of high-quality forest conservation projects

Data Access and Technical Requirements

Open-access data can be requested on the Availability of Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps. VMD0055-compliant data will be available only on the Verra Project Hub.

These data are delivered as GeoTIFF files and can be viewed using GIS software, such as QGIS or ArcGIS.

Communications and Support

Verra will provide updates through the following:

  • Announcements and direct stakeholder mailings (electronic)
  • Webinars, beginning with a technical briefing scheduled for January 15, 2025
  • Other virtual events with Verra experts

Stakeholders can participate in webinars, submit questions via Verra’s website, or attend virtual events for real-time updates and feedback.