
VCS Version 4 (Release Date: 19 September 2019)

VCS Version 4 incorporates several changes to existing VCS Program rules and requirements. The VCS Version 4 Rules Map (XLS) outlines where specific requirements from the VCS Version 3 program documents can be found in the VCS Version 4 program documents, and whether substantive changes to existing requirements were made or new requirements added.

All VCS Version 4 documents are effective on the issue date, unless otherwise stated in the VCS Version 4 Summary of Effective Dates (PDF).

Consultation Documents
2019 VCS Version 4 Consultation Roadmap

  1. Revision to Scope of VCS Program (PDF)
  2. Domestic Climate Contribution (DCC) (On hold – see Consultation Roadmap for more information)
  3. Update to Project Crediting Period Requirements (PDF)
  4. Update to Validation/Verification Body Accreditation Recognition (PDF)
  5. Project Sustainable Development Goal Contributions (On hold – see Consultation Roadmap for more information)
  6. Streamlining the Methodology Approval Process (PDF)
  7. Updates to AFOLU Requirements (PDF) (Versión en Español)
  8. Reorganizing and Restructuring VCS Program Documents (PDF)

Public Comment

The consultation ran for 60 days, ending on 10 June 2019.

Additional Resources


VCS Version 4 second consultation

– Consultation overview;
– Webinar recordings (session 1 & session 2); and
Summary of comments and Verra’s responses (PDF).