This page answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the transition of Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) REDD projects to VM0048 and VMD0055. It will be updated occasionally.
Once VMD0055-compliant allocated deforestation risk maps are available for a jurisdiction, all projects in this jurisdiction (new, listed, or registered) can adopt the new REDD methodology. After a six-month grace period following the release of these risk maps, projects in this jurisdiction must use the new REDD methodology.
A list of jurisdictions for which Verra Verra published or is developing allocated deforestation risk maps is available on the Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps: Timetable webpage.
As a first step, Verra and contracted Data Service Providers (DSPs) produce activity data (data that describe the rate of deforestation) and forest cover benchmark maps (FCBMs) for a jurisdiction. Using the FCBMs and additional explanatory variables related to deforestation (e.g., distance to roads, slope, etc.), Verra and DSPs then generate a risk map showing estimated risk of deforestation across the jurisdiction. This risk map is used to localize the jurisdictional activity data, with areas of higher estimated risk receiving a greater proportion of the activity data. The result is an allocated deforestation risk map, where each pixel represents the ratio of the deforestation risk to the jurisdictional deforestation rate (expressed in hectares of deforestation per year). Since each pixel in the allocated deforestation risk map proportionally allocates the jurisdictional activity data, a project’s allocation is determined by the subset of the jurisdictional map that overlaps with the project area.
Project proponents can use data allocated to their project areas, together with locally estimated emission factors, to calculate the annual baseline emissions from carbon stock changes in their project area and estimate the net emissions under the baseline scenario.
Stakeholders are invited to submit data for potential inclusion in this process – see “Opportunities to Contribute” on the Availability of Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps webpage.
Projects must use the allocated deforestation risk maps developed by Verra. However, there are opportunities for project proponent, government, and other engaged stakeholders to provide data input into the the risk map development process. These are thoroughly detailed in Table 18 of VMD0055.
The Allocated Deforestation Risk Maps Timetable will be updated as data are available. Additionally, Verra will inform proponents of projects that are listed or registered in the Verra Registry when provisional allocated deforestation risk maps and/or VMD0055-compliant allocated deforestation risk maps are available for the jurisdiction in which a given project is located. When VMD0055-compliant data are available, project proponents are able to submit a formal request for allocation of activity data using a template provided by Verra. Once Verra has received a formal request, Verra will provide allocated data to the respective project proponent.
While VM0048 applies to REDD activity types in general, module VMD0055 is the only currently available module and it covers only the Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation component of REDD. A module establishing similar requirements for avoiding planned deforestation is under development and is expected to be released in 2025. A module for forest degradation is also being explored. Wetlands components will be addressed by the forthcoming update to VM0033 Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration or the methodology for tropical peatlands.
Verra’s goal is to ensure that any activity addressed under VM0006, VM0007, VM0009, VM0015, or VM0037 is covered by the new REDD methodology or another methodology in the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.
Projects are only required to transition to VM0048 when relevant modules and necessary data for the region of their project area are available. If the appropriate module for a project’s activity type doesn’t exist, Verra will not require projects to transition to VM0048.
VMD0055 sets out requirements for activity data, and projects are required to use the allocated deforestation risk maps meeting these requirements. If a government-produced forest reference emission level (FREL) or forest reference level (FRL) uses activity data that meet VCS requirements, Verra may work with the government to use existing country data in developing the allocated deforestation risk maps.
VM0048 is a methodology for REDD+ projects and VMD0055 is a module for avoided unplanned deforestation REDD projects, while JNR is a framework for REDD+ programs at a national or sub-national level. The allocation approach used in VMD0055 to maintain the integrity of greenhouse gas accounting within a jurisdiction is similar to the one used in Verra’s JNR framework. Despite the similarity of approaches, projects that are registered in Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program using VM0048 and VMD0055 are not required to be nested in a JNR program or other jurisdictional REDD program, although they may be nested in such programs.
View information on Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ framework.
When modules and data for all Avoiding Planned and Unplanned Deforestation and Degradation activities have been developed under VM0048, Verra will inactivate the existing REDD methodologies (with grace periods in accordance with VCS rules and requirements for a seamless transition).
When allocated deforestation risk maps and activity data are available for the jurisdiction where a project is located, the project must transition following the same principles as outlined on the “Transition Process for AUD REDD Projects” page. Until then, the existing methodology may be used.
Elements of existing REDD methodologies not covered by the consolidated REDD methodology may be covered in other VCS methodologies.
If your question is not covered here and relates to a project listed on the Verra Registry, please contact secretariat@verra.org providing the project’s identification number in your email. For all other questions, contact forestcarbon@verra.org.