Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) are eligible credits for compliance with obligations under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) (external).

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) implemented CORSIA to keep global net CO2 emissions from international aviation at 2019 levels (so-called “carbon neutral growth from 2020”). This is achieved by offsetting any emissions above 2020 levels that remain after the use of sustainable aviation fuels and implementation of technical and operational improvements in the sector. The CORSIA program has established rules for determining the sector’s requirements for offsetting and allocating the offsetting obligation to airlines.

Obligations under the CORSIA program are effective for 2021 to 2035. Over 100 countries are participating in the current, voluntary pilot phase and this participation is expected to grow until 2027 when participation becomes mandatory for most countries in the ICAO framework.

The VCS Program is eligible for CORSIA’s pilot phase (2021-2023) and first phase (2024-2026), as stated in ICAO’s Eligible Emissions Unit (PDF) document. In principle, all VCUs are eligible under CORSIA, except for the exclusions detailed below. VCUs issued from 2021 onward will require an Article 6 Authorized – International Mitigation Purposes label to be eligible for use towards CORSIA.

Project proponents may request that a CORSIA label be applied to eligible VCUs as part of the issuance process or by specific request thereafter. CORSIA labels will be displayed on the Verra Registry to indicate which VCUs may be retired for CORSIA purposes. CORSIA-labeled VCUs are searchable in the Verra Registry under the “Additional Certifications” field. A CORSIA Label Guidance (PDF) document is available with detailed information on VCU eligibility for CORSIA and the process for requesting CORSIA labels.


Eligible VCUs under CORSIA

VCUs that meet each of the following conditions are eligible for use in the CORSIA pilot phase (2021-2023):

VCUs that meet each of the following conditions are eligible for use in the CORSIA first phase (2024-2026):

To be eligible for CORSIA use, VCUs with vintages of 2021 onward will need a CORSIA label and an Article 6 Authorized – International Mitigation Purposes label. Information on Article 6 labels for VCUs is available in Article 6 Label Guidance (PDF). A new version of the Article 6 Guidance incorporating the outcomes from COP29 will be released in Q1 2025.

For the mitigation outcomes represented by VCUs with vintages of 2021 onward, Verra requires additional assurances that there is no double claiming. Verra will release requirements for this assurance in Q1 2025.