
Inactive 07 November 2022

Sectoral Scope

3. Energy Demand

The methodology requires substantive revision and is inactive as of 7 November 2022. Projects that have been listed by this date may use this methodology version for a grace period of six months to issue a validation report.

Verra has received several concept notes and requests for broadening the applicability of plastics-related methodologies and has decided to consolidate the aspects of VM0040 that are related to displacing virgin petroleum-based plastic production into a new methodology. Depending on the development and the scope of project activities included in the new methodology, VM0040 may be eligible for revision or withdrawn.

This methodology is globally applicable to project activities that convert carbon dioxide and/or methane, which would have otherwise been emitted into the atmosphere, into a useful plastic material for sale into the plastics market. Such project activities reduce greenhouse gas emissions in two ways. First, project activities sequester carbon dioxide and/or methane into plastic material. Second, the process for manufacturing plastic material from sequestered carbon dioxide and/or methane is typically less emission-intensive than the traditional process for manufacturing plastic material.

Document History

Assessment Reports

Draft Versions

Public Comment

This methodology was open for public comment from 14 March 2018 until 13 April 2018. No comments were received.