Note: This post was updated in September 2020 with updated Verra Registry Terms of Use.

We are just a couple of weeks away from launching the new Verra Registry! As we approach the launch date, 9 April 2020, please find below some helpful updates and reminders.

Also, please join us for a webinar to introduce you to the new Verra Registry. The session will take place on Tuesday, 31 March 2020 at 11 am EDT (8 am PDT, 5 pm CET; for help determining the accurate local time of this webinar, please use this tool). Please register here.

      • For those who were unable to join us, a link to a recording of the webinar can be found here.
      • Para ver el presentación del registro de Verra en español haga click aquí.

Please read on for the most important updates and reminders. Please also note that we have updated our FAQ page accordingly.

  • All updates regarding the new Verra Registry, including the notification that your account is available on 6 April, will be sent to the Account Manager email address listed in your APX or IHS Markit account(s). Please check that this information is up to date and correct in your existing account(s). In order to ensure that your account is secure, only those individuals listed as the Account Manager are authorized to request changes to Verra Registry accounts.
    • To log into your account on the new Verra Registry on the go-live date, you first will need to accept the Verra Registry Terms of Use (TOU), which you will be prompted to do when first logging into the system.
      • APX accountholders: You will be able to log into the Verra Registry using your existing APX account username and password.
      • IHS Markit accountholders: Verra will send you your login and password for the Verra Registry prior to the go-live date.
    • With respect to historical actions such as approvals, status changes and inter-registry or account transfers:
      • APX accountholders: In a previous email we stated that historical actions from your existing registry account (such as approvals, status changes and inter-registry or account transfers) will not be “in-registry” but will be available via report or data extract. We have since concluded that for your APX accounts, all of this data will be available to you in the new Verra Registry. As a precaution, we recommend downloading this data prior to the cutoff date.
    • IHS Markit accountholders: This information will not be “in-registry” but will be available via report or data extract from your IHS Markit account prior to the cutoff time. As a precaution, we recommend downloading this data prior to the cutoff date.
    • With respect to sub-account information:
      • APX accountholders: Sub-accounts will be moved from the APX system and holdings from existing sub-accounts on APX will be transferred over to your new Verra Registry account.
      • IHS Markit accountholders: By default, you will have a new “Active” and “Retirement” sub-account in the Verra Registry. Sub-accounts that you created in the IHS Markit registry will not be moved to the Verra Registry, but they can be recreated. The holdings from your IHS Markit sub-accounts will be available in the default “Active” and “Retirement” sub-accounts in the Verra Registry, as appropriate.
    • The new fee schedules for the Verra Registry have been published for VCSCCBSD VISta and the Verra OPR. We recommend that account holders review these new fees prior to the launch of the Verra Registry.

As a precautionary measure, we strongly recommend that you back up all of your account data by downloading or exporting it prior to the cutoff date. This should include account details, sub-account structure, holdings (VCUs and PIUs), transfers, projects, issuances, retirements and cancellations. Please contact your Registry Administrator, if you need more information on how to do this.

Your current Registry Administrator will work with you to address any questions you may have regarding existing business or contractual arrangements. If you have any questions regarding the transition to the Verra Registry, please email