Dear colleagues,
I know the holidays are a busy time for all of us, but I wanted to take a quick moment to update you on some exciting happenings here at the VCS.
Doha Download
While the pessimists are quick to point out that not much was accomplished earlier this month in Doha, one does not have to look very hard to notice some key positives, especially as they relate to VCS. First among these is a clear signal that market mechanisms continue to be at the forefront of solutions to the climate problem; the challenge becomes designing what these mechanisms look like. We already have a head start on this particular problem with the launch of our jurisdictional and nested REDD+ (JNR) program early this year and important uptake of our requirements for standardized methods.
New Partnerships Reached with Governments Worldwide
Speaking of the JNR program, it is rapidly picking up steam. We have already signed formal agreements with Costa Rica and Chile as well as Acre in Brazil to assist in the development of their JNR frameworks. We expect to announce more JNR pilots early next year. On a parallel track, we are working with Colombia to help with the creation of a domestic carbon market.
VCS & CCB Join Forces to Streamline Project Approval and Credit Issuance
In November, VCS teamed up with the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) to create a streamlined process for VCS+CCB projects to register under both programs simultaneously. As a result, it is now easier and cheaper for project developers to advance projects that both reduce GHG emissions and have demonstrable sustainable development benefits. We are now undertaking a similar piece of work with Social Carbon in order to streamline joint development processes.
VCS Is Hiring
2013 will be a year of expansion for the VCS, as we scale up our program to meet the challenges of the growing international marketplace. We are current looking for someone to lead the newest VCS office in Brazil. Additionally, our program team in D.C. needs an extra set of hands to help them keep up with the ever-growing multitude of VCS projects around the world. Click here to see the job descriptions, and be sure to send them on to anyone you think might be interested. (Or maybe even apply yourself!)
It has been a busy year here at the VCS, and 2013 promises to present many exciting challenges. On behalf of all the VCS staff, I wanted to personally thank you for all your support, and I hope that you and yours have a great holiday season, and a happy new year.
David Antonioli