Verra has released Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0050 Energy Efficiency and Fuel-Switch Measures in Cookstoves, v1.0. VM0050 is a comprehensive and robust new methodology that provides a high-integrity approach to quantifying emission reductions from energy efficiency and fuel-switch measures (i.e., involving the replacement of fossil fuels and non-renewable biomass) in cookstoves.

The implementation of sustainable cooking practices is an urgent need throughout least developed countries as such practices improve livelihoods and gender equity, benefit health and air quality, preserve ecosystems, and reduce CO2 emissions.

By enabling projects to credibly calculate the emission reductions from cookstove activities, this methodology continues Verra’s pioneering work in the cookstove space, driving finance to important climate action activities while also facilitating urgent sustainable development and health benefits.

Toby Janson-Smith, Chief Program Development and Innovation Officer, Verra

Drawing on Verra’s longstanding experience in this sector, VM0050 updates existing methodologies to include the latest best practices as well as the most recent science and technology in project design and implementation of cookstoves. Verra is committed to collaborating with other stakeholders in this space to continuously strengthen integrity in the cookstove sector, in particular through incorporating new approaches such as Digital Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (DMRV), which VM0050 enables. A wider adoption of this methodology would further strengthen the credibility and integrity of cookstove projects and resulting emission reductions.

The methodology covers a broad set of activities and scenarios. It consolidates elements of existing cookstove methodologies and features several updates, including the following:

  • Streamlined monitoring approaches such as direct measurement techniques (e.g., stove use monitors, fuel weight sensors, electricity meters) that strengthen the reliability and accuracy in determining project fuel/energy consumption and stove use
  • Additional clarifications and guidance on sampling and measurement procedures
  • Updated approaches to determining the fraction of non-renewable biomass
  • Updated default values for various ex ante parameters like baseline device efficiency and the wood-to-charcoal conversion factor

This methodology aligns with the latest version of the VCS Methodology Requirements (PDF). Verra is also submitting this methodology today for assessment under the Core Carbon Principles (CCP) Assessment Framework of the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) and is committed to achieving CCP eligibility.

Verra is also supporting the work of the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and their planned Comprehensive Lowered Emissions Assessment and Reporting (CLEAR) methodology that is being developed by the CCA-led Clean Cooking and Climate Consortium (4C). VM0050 aligns with many of the proposals in the consultation draft of that methodology. Verra is planning to review the final CLEAR methodology for further alignment opportunities once it is released.

Further, Verra is committed to reviewing other approaches under development, like the Modeling fuelwood savings scenarios (MoFuSS) model for determining the fraction of non-renewable biomass for project-specific use, which has been used in the assessment of the CLEAR methodology. If deemed suitable, Verra will consider incorporating it into VM0050.

Atmosphere Alternative (external) led the development of VM0050. This release follows extensive internal review, a public consultation, and review by a validation/verification body.

Implications for Cookstove Projects in the VCS Program

VM0050 covers a broad set of activities and consolidates elements of the following methodologies:

VM0050 is eligible for immediate use in the VCS Program and replaces VMR0006, v1.2 and VMR0011, v1.0, which are being inactivated. As a result, the following requirements apply:

  • New projects and projects renewing their crediting period that complete validation after May 31, 2025, must validate using VM0050. Projects completing validation before that time have the option to complete validation under VMR0006, v1.2 or VMR0011, v1.0.
  • Registered projects using AMS-II.G., AMS I.E., VMR0006, or VMR0011 can update past verification periods and requantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from these periods in accordance with VM0050 and the forthcoming Methodology Change and Requantification Procedure.
  • All projects must use VM0050 starting with the 2027 vintage year at the latest. For projects switching to VM0050 for the 2027 vintage year, the updated project description can be validated and submitted along with the verification and monitoring reports for that year. Such submissions can be made up to five years after the last verification.