Verra has initiated a second round of activity data collection, risk mapping, and activity data allocation in over 40 jurisdictions at the national and sub-national levels to support the implementation of its new REDD methodology (Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0048, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, v1.0) and VCS Module VMD0055 Estimation of Emission Reductions from Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation, v1.0). The jurisdictions for which Verra has initiated data development in this round cover existing REDD projects, REDD projects under development, and areas with a strong potential for new projects.

Up-to-date information on the activity data collection, risk mapping, and activity data allocation process can be found on the Activity Data Availability webpage.

The jurisdictional data development process is relevant for projects using VM0048 and VMD0055, as well as for all REDD projects that will need to transition to VM0048 as jurisdictional activity data becomes available for allocation to their areas. (This pertains to projects using VM0006, VM0009, VM0015, and VM0037 for unplanned deforestation activities; it does not pertain to degradation- or planned deforestation-related activities). For more information, refer to the Transition Process by Project Status page. Projects use this activity data to set the baseline for their projects, an essential step in the project registration process.

This round of jurisdictional data development involves more than double the number of jurisdictions that were selected in 2023, when Verra began developing jurisdictional activity data and forest cover benchmark maps for Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) projects in the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program.

Jurisdictional activity data captures the area deforested—measured in hectares —over a given time. The allocation of this jurisdictional deforestation activity data to projects in proportion to the relative risk of deforestation in project areas is one of the key innovations in VM0048, which was launched in late 2023. The approach enables project proponents to move away from using reference regions to forecast future deforestation. Collecting jurisdictional activity data is the first step in establishing project baselines under VMD0055. The resulting map data and deforestation estimates are then used to create the risk maps that enable allocations of the jurisdictional activity data to projects.

This approach to baseline setting allows for the number of verified emission reductions generated by all projects in a particular jurisdiction not to exceed the emission reductions calculated for that jurisdiction. The aim is to support the high integrity of carbon credits issued to VCS AUD projects.

Verra anticipates that data for all jurisdictions with existing REDD projects will be available for allocation in 2025. By the end of 2025, REDD projects using Verra’s new REDD methodology will transition to using the jurisdictional baselines. The dates covered by these new baselines (known as the Baseline Validity Period, BVP) can be found in the table listing jurisdictional activity data availability. Verra will inform all proponents with projects listed or registered in the Verra Registry once data for the jurisdiction in which their projects are located is available for allocation. Once available, projects will be able to request the data in line with the guidance in Annex 3, Section 3.1, of VMD0055.