
3. Draft Methodology Development

Sectoral Scope

13. Waste handling and disposal

Development ID#



Under Development

VM0044, v1.1 applies to projects that convert waste biomass into biochar at new production facilities. Biochar produced can be utilized in soil and non-soil applications. The revision will likely include updates to the following:

  • expand eligibility for existing biochar production facilities;
  • procedures for demonstrating high-technology facilities;
  • the eligibility of feedstocks, including invasive species and other new (not purpose-grown) feedstocks;
  • the monitoring approach for measuring key parameters, including H: Corg ratio of biochar and moisture content;
  • procedures for calculating feedstock transport emissions;
  • consideration for safe storage and transport of biochar;
  • and other improvements identified throughout the development process.

Summary of Development

Verra is leading the development of the revision, as per Section 2.1.1(2) of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.3 (PDF). Verra released a Request For Proposal (PDF) to find a qualified methodology developer and selected Canadian Biomass Energy Ltd (external). The revision is currently at “Step 3: Draft Methodology Development” of the VCS Methodology Development and Review Process, v4.3 (PDF).

Verra conducted a preliminary consultation from July 10, 2023 to August 9, 2023.

Stakeholders interested in collaborating during methodology development or developing projects that this methodology might enable are encouraged to contact Please include the Methodology Development ID# M0226 in the subject line.