The VCS is committed to helping catalyze action on climate change; to that end, we often host online learning sessions to better highlight the newest methodologies and other developments to the VCS Program. For the month of April, we have one such webinar on the calendar.
Title: Avoiding Degradation through Fire Management Public Comment Period Presentation
Date: 8 April 2014, 10:00am EDT
Description: In an effort to incentivize better fire management practices, a new proposed VCS methodology provides a carbon accounting framework for implementing controlled burns earlier in the fire season, rather than later when fuels become drier and climatic conditions are hotter and windier resulting in larger fires that can release more emissions and result in more tree mortality. This methodology is largely based on a fire model developed by the researchers at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh.
We hope you will join us at this webinar and appreciate your continued support of the VCS mission.
As always, please address any questions to