Each year, Environmental Finance holds a vote (opens in new tab) to identify voluntary carbon market (VCM) leaders, including project developers, traders, and service providers.
Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, the world’s largest voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program, has won the award for “Best GHG Crediting Programme” (formerly “Best Voluntary Carbon Standard”) ten times since 2012. Additionally, the Verra Registry was voted the “Best Registry Provider” in both 2021 and 2022.
Why vote for Verra again?
Here are just a few reasons:
- Verra effectively advances climate action. A few months ago, the VCS Program issued the one billionth carbon credit. That is one billion fewer tonnes of CO2 in the atmosphere – an important contribution to reaching global climate goals, while also driving needed funding to Indigenous peoples and local communities for conservation, adaptation, and sustainable economies.
- Verra tirelessly innovates. Verra continuously advances climate action on all possible fronts by developing new carbon accounting methodologies, as well as strengthening and expanding existing ones. These methodologies span nature-based and industrial approaches, covering carbon removal as well as avoided emissions. Verra has recently advanced or updated methodologies for biochar, blue carbon, REDD, carbon capture and sequestration, and cookstoves.
- Verra strives for operational excellence. Over the past year, Verra has increased its staff by 50%, reallocated responsibilities to maximize efficacy and efficiency, and completely overhauled its auditing and accreditation system. Verra is also on the verge of launching the Verra Project Hub, a digitized project management and monitoring platform.
We hope you will once again show your support for Verra this year. The survey is open until Friday, July 28.