Verra has released an updated version (v1.1) of Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production. This constitutes a minor revision to VM0043, v1.0.
The updated version of VM0043 will enable project proponents to quantify carbon dioxide removals and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions separately. Project proponents will then be able to apply for mitigation outcome type labels, a new label type for Verified Carbon Units that was released in the August 2023 VCS Program updates to meet market demand for differentiating between these mitigation outcomes. See Mitigation Outcome Type Labels Guidance, v1.2 (PDF) for more information.
The revision also includes the following key updates:
- Integrating a discount factor to account for uncertainty related to the displacement of the production of virgin materials caused by project activities (in alignment with the August 2023 VCS Program updates)
- Expanding the methodology’s scope to allow its application to pre-cast products
- Updating the approach to define, categorize, and test individual mix designs
- Updating the testing procedure to determine baseline cement quantity
- Incorporating a correction (PDF) regarding the calculation of baseline emissions, issued on October 9, 2023
Verra held a public consultation on this revision from September 18 to October 18, 2024. The methodology was developed by Verra and CarbonCure (external).
Continuous Development
In addition to this proposed minor revision, a major revision to VM0043 (methodology development ID #CN0128) is ongoing. The proposed major revision will expand the scope of the methodology to include project activities using concrete additives, recycled concrete aggregates, and reclaimed water along with CO2 as a feedstock in the production of concrete. It would also allow project proponents to claim GHG reductions from lower steam curing requirements. The new version resulting from the major revision will be added as a module to the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) methodology framework being developed by Verra and the CCS+ Initiative.