The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) have collaborated to offer a new accreditation sub-program for greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification bodies (VVBs).

With more Canadian and international jurisdictions developing carbon-pricing programs, the carbon market is growing. The importance of programs like VCS is increasing and this innovative accreditation solution will offer businesses the opportunity to join the world’s leading voluntary GHG program.

Under the new sub-program, SCC will assess the competency of VVBs to perform GHG validation and verification services in conformance to both ISO 14065, Greenhouse gases — Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, and the specific requirements of the VCS Program. Once accredited, VVBs can provide GHG validation and verification services through the VCS Program. For more information on SCC’s Greenhouse Accreditation Program, click the link below.

“We were excited to partner with VCS in order to bring this new offering to SCC’s customers. By joining the VCS Program, our customers gain an opportunity to grow their businesses and will contribute to reducing emissions and protecting our environment.”

Chantal Guay, Vice-President of Accreditation Services, SCC

“VCS is delighted to launch this new program with the Standards Council of Canada. This new accreditation pathway will expand options and opportunities for GHG auditors and the VCS Program alike. This collaboration illustrates the growing importance of VCS Program carbon credits and our ability to work with national accreditation bodies to ensure the highest quality greenhouse gas validation and verification services.”

David Antonioli, Chief Executive Officer, VCS

About the Standards Council of Canada

SCC is a Crown corporation that leads Canada’s standardization network. SCC facilitates the development and use of national and international standards and accreditation services in order to enhance Canada’s competitiveness and well-being. SCC is part of the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada portfolio. For additional information on SCC click the button below.