VVB ID: 009

Contact: Stefan Winter, swinter@tuev-nord.de+49 (0) 160 888-6623, Anna Kröger, ankroeger@tuev-nord.de,  +49 160 8885470

Location: TÜV NORD CERT GmbH, Am TÜV 1, 45307 Essen, Germany

Website: www.tuev-nord.de



Accreditation Body: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

StatusValid from


Accreditation Body: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Sectoral scopeStatusValid from
1. Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU)Active15/01/2024
4. EnergyActive15/01/2024


Accreditation Body: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


Sectoral scopeStatusValid from
1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable)Active26/03/2010
2. Energy distributionActive26/03/2010
3. Energy demandActive26/03/2010
4. Manufacturing industriesActive26/03/2010
5. Chemical industryActive26/03/2010
6. ConstructionActive26/03/2010
7. TransportActive26/03/2010
8. Mining/Mineral productionActive26/03/2010
9. Metal productionActive26/03/2010
10. Fugitive emissions from fuelsActive26/03/2010
11. Fugitive emissions from industrial gasesActive26/03/2010
12. Solvents useActive26/03/2010
13. Waste handling and disposalActive26/03/2010
14. Agriculture, Forestry, Land UseActive26/03/2010
15. Livestock and manure managementActive26/03/2010


Sectoral scopeStatusValid from
1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable)Active26/03/2010
2. Energy distributionActive26/03/2010
3. Energy demandActive26/03/2010
4. Manufacturing industriesActive26/03/2010
5. Chemical industryActive26/03/2010
6. ConstructionActive26/03/2010
7. TransportActive26/03/2010
8. Mining/Mineral productionActive26/03/2010
9. Metal productionActive26/03/2010
10. Fugitive emissions from fuelsActive26/03/2010
11. Fugitive emissions from industrial gasesActive26/03/2010
12. Solvents useActive26/03/2010
13. Waste handling and disposalActive26/03/2010
14. Agriculture, Forestry, Land UseActive26/03/2010
15. Livestock and manure managementActive26/03/2010


Accreditation Body: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Sectoral scopeStatusValid from