Please note that this announcement has been superseded by an announcement that was published on February 1, 2024.
Verra would like to remind everyone of several details pertaining to the project review process:
Verra conducts a full review of project documentation when receiving project submissions, such as registration and issuance requests. We aim to complete the initial review of a project submission within 20 business days and write up any findings in a project review report. These findings must be addressed by the project proponent or validation/verification body, with Verra needing up to a further 20 business days to review the responses and updated documentation. At the moment, two to three rounds of findings and responses is typical. As a general rule, the higher the quality of the project documentation, the fewer the rounds and the quicker the process.
In order for a project review to begin, the project proponent must upload a complete set of documentation and notify the Verra Registry via email. If documents are missing or if any documents are incomplete, Verra is unable to start the project review.
Given these timelines, project proponents looking to issue VCUs before the end of 2021 should initiate their issuance requests as soon as possible.