Verra’s Plastic Waste Reduction Program (Plastic Program) is seeking technical reviewers for two methodologies under the Plastic Program, a recovery methodology and a recycling methodology. The methodologies will accompany the Plastic Waste Reduction Standard (Plastic Standard) and enable the quantification of the recovery and recycling of plastic waste.
Verra is part of the 3R Initiative, which aims to increase the value of plastic waste and bring attention and resources to new and scaled-up plastic collection and recycling activities. The Initiative does so by crediting projects that measurably increase the additional recovery and/or recycling of plastic waste above baseline rates to issue waste reduction credits. The Initiative will provide confidence that investments in such plastic collection and recycling activities have been deployed in a manner that verifiably reduced plastic in the environment. Projects looking to generate waste reduction credits will be assessed against the Plastic Standard under Verra’s Plastic Program.
Verra is working with two external consultant organizations on the development of the two methodologies. To ensure that the methodologies are relevant and include robust accounting procedures for plastic waste recovery and recycling, Verra is now seeking technical experts to review the methodologies. Refer to the Terms of Reference for more details on this opportunity.
The methodologies will also be posted for public consultation while this review is in process. Should you be interested in applying to be a technical reviewer, return the application form electronically to Program Officer Sneha Balasubramanian along with a CV/resume by 13 September 2020.
For further questions on this opportunity, please contact Sneha Balasubramanian.
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