8 March 2011
VCS Version 3 Released for Immediate Use
1 March 2011
Name change 1 March, no impact on VCUs or VCS rules
Change to VCS Nomenclature Makes No Change to Rights and Obligations of VCUs
12 February 2011
New IFM Methodology to Protect Areas Slated for Logging
VCS Approves New IFM Methodology to Protect Areas Slated for Logging
8 February 2011
February Newsletter: First REDD credits; New VCS name and logo coming soon
8 February 2011
Kenya project issues first REDD credits under VCS
Kenya project is first to issue REDD credits verified to a major global third-party standard 8 February 2011 – The very first verified greenhouse gas credits from a project that reduces ...
As promised, we are eager to share more details about our exciting name change announced earlier this week. The VCS name change is part of a major, ongoing initiative to strengthen trust in the VCS brand and increase its value to you, the people who use the VCS Program, Standard and credits every day.
3 February 2011
Timeline for VCS Name Change
1 February 2011
VCS to change name to Verified Carbon Standard, 1 March
Letter to VCS stakeholders From Chairman Gudmundur Sigurthorsson and CEO David Antonioli
23 January 2011
CDC Climat to phase out VCS registry services by end 2012
CDC Climat R & S, one of three VCS registry administrators, will phase out its VCS registry services by the end of 2012. This will have no impact on ...
23 January 2011
New VCS-Thailand Label Tags VCUs with Crown Standard
18 January 2011