26 March 2018
VT0006 Tool for Calculating LULC Transitions and Deforestation Rates Using Incomplete Remote Sensing Images, v1.0
26 March 2018
VT0004 JNR Leakage Tool, v1.0
14 March 2018
New Methodology Open for Public Comment
Our new name and visual identity reflect the ongoing expansion of our work and establish a powerful platform for the suite of standards we manage.
15 February 2018
VCS is now Verra
Just one month in and our 2018 is in full swing.
sustainable development
29 January 2018
January 2018 Newsletter
VCS has issued a response to correct inaccurate and misleading arguments made in a recent report.
16 January 2018
Well Earned Credits: VCS Responds to Misleading Publication
Your comments will help ensure that the Project Requirements for our newest standard are clear and meet the needs of projects and their investors and supporters.
public consultation
4 January 2018
Consultation open on the SD VISta Project Requirements
This November was a big milestone for our organization.
4 December 2017
October/November 2017 Newsletter
We celebrate 10 years as an organization with major milestones and a look forward at what comes next.
30 November 2017
VCS Turns 10! Celebrating our History and Looking to the Future
This new methodology, developed with a specific focus on India and the South Asian region, quantifies GHG emission reductions from both REDD and ARR activities.
29 November 2017