Verra is inviting proposals for the development of a VCS Tool for Soil Sampling, Processing, and Analysis to Determine Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Stock Changes in agricultural land management (ALM) methodologies.
ALM methodologies include procedures for assessing changes in the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) that result from project activities. They require effective and cost-efficient strategies for measuring SOC stock variability across landscapes and also between current and previous land uses. Further, they necessitate the physical sampling of soils and laboratory analyses that adhere to established standard operating procedures.
As demand for carbon credits from ALM projects increases, it is crucial to standardize these procedures to ensure consistency in determining SOC stock changes across projects.
The development of the tool includes:
- Conducting a review of SOC sampling and analysis requirements and guidance in existing VCS methodologies, as well as relevant protocols from peer GHG crediting programs, academia, and government sources;
- Consulting key stakeholders to identify challenges and opportunities as well as emerging MRV approaches and other technologies;
- Preparing and submitting a full draft tool;
- Reviewing and responding to comments received during the public comment period;
- Managing the progression of the tool through a VVB assessment process; and
- Producing the final draft of the tool.
More details, including deliverables, qualifications, and application instructions can be found in the Request for Proposals – Development of a VCS Tool for Soil Sampling, Processing, and Analysis to Determine Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Stock Changes. The deadline is Friday, 29 April. For further questions, please contact Viridiana Alcantara-Shivapatham, Senior Program Officer, Agriculture Innovation (