Revisions to VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management, v1.0 and its accompanying module VMD0053 Model Calibration, Validation, and Uncertainty Guidance for the Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management, v1.0 are now open for public consultation.

The proposed revisions aim to:

  • Broaden the applicability of the methodology, including by enabling the direct measurement of soil organic carbon in baseline control plots, expanding guidance on soil sampling designs and soil organic carbon measurements through spectroscopic and laser-based techniques, and allowing for the application of the methodology in integrated crop livestock systems.
  • Update the procedures for uncertainty assessment and modeling in the VMD0053 module; and
  • Include additional errata and clarifications.

The revisions were coordinated by Verra staff with technical input from external consultants (on uncertainty assessment) and stakeholders. After the public comment period, the revised methodology will undergo an assessment by a validation/verification body.

To comment, please complete the feedback template and submit it to Viridiana Alcantara-Shivapatham, Senior Program Officer, Agriculture Innovations ( by 5 February 2022.