The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is the world’s largest voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) program with almost 1,800 registered projects in 82 countries that have cumulatively generated more than 460 million carbon credits.

The VCS Program addresses the non-permanence risk of its Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects and Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programs by requiring them to deposit a percentage of their credits into a common buffer pool which may be drawn upon in the case of a loss event (e.g., as a result of a forest fire or hurricane). The percentage of credits which must be deposited into this common pool is based on a non-permanence risk rating established through the application of the AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool or JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tool respectively.

Verra has identified several opportunities for improving these Risk Tools and hence seeks a consultant to develop and draft updates to the AFOLU and JNR Non-Permanence Risk Tools.

Specifically, the objectives of this work are to ensure that AFOLU projects and JNR programs take the expected impacts of climate change and sea level rise into account in their natural risk scores, guarantee that the AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool appropriately accounts for Agricultural Land Management-specific risks and mitigation options, and establish a default value (or values) for non-permanence risk that may be used by AFOLU projects (and JNR programs, if feasible) under certain conditions at validation and verification to streamline AFOLU project (and JNR program) development and assessment.

Please click here to view the complete Request for Proposals.

All documents must be submitted to Amy Schmid at by close of business 17 July 2020. We will finalize the selection of the consultant by the end of July 2020.