Verra has opened a public consultation on a minor revision (methodology development ID #M0280) to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodology AMS-III.BM.: Lightweight two- and three-wheeled personal transportation (external). The revised methodology would be published in the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program. The consultation will run from March 19 through April 18, 2025.
AMS-III.B.M. applies to project activities that help shift urban passenger transport to mechanical and electric bicycles and tricycles by developing supporting infrastructure, such as bicycle lanes, bicycle sharing programs, and bicycle parking areas. By facilitating the use of low-emission transport options, this methodology contributes to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and decreased reliance on fossil fuel-powered vehicles.
The proposed revision expands the methodology’s scope to include other two- or three-wheeled electric vehicles (e.g., electric motorcycles and scooters). The revision also allows for the inclusion of business-oriented delivery and transportation services.
Please see the public consultation document (PDF) for the full background and details about the proposed updates.
Verra is accepting feedback through its new digital public consultation platform, which is hosted on the Verra Project Hub. Stakeholders will need to use the link provided to enter their personal details, confirm their email address, and access the online consultation form. For additional guidance, please review the user guide (PDF).
Comments may be submitted electronically via the online form by 11:59 pm Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12) on April 18, 2025. If you experience issues using the digital public consultation platform or have feedback on it, please contact