Comments are invited from the public about whether the below projects meet the requirements of the CCB Standards. Comments received by VCS will be published to the project’s page on the CCB Standards website (unless otherwise requested) and considered by the auditor during the validation and/or verification process.
Restoring a Forest Legacy at Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Louisiana, United States
Project Proponent: The Conservation Fund
Document undergoing public comment: Project Implementation Report
Gold Level: Biodiversity
Benefits achieved during monitoring period:
- Restore bottomland hardwood forest ecosystem on over 3,900 acres of agricultural land through reforestation with native tree species
- Educate local communities on the reforestation and manage lands for recreation in the long-term
- Conserve and restore habitat for multiple vulnerable plant and animal species, including alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii), southern ladies-slipper (Cypripedium kentuckiense), and Arkansas oak (Quercus arkansana)
Public Comment Period: 21 April 2016 – 21 May 2016
Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Seima Protection Forest
Location: Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia
Project Proponent: Forestry Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Royal Government of Cambodia
Document undergoing public comment: Project Implementation Report
Gold Level: Biodiversity
Benefits achieved during monitoring period:
- Prevented 3,081,314 tCO2e emissions from avoided unplanned deforestation of almost 300,000 ha of land
- Strengthened land tenure rights of 20 Seima Forest communities
- Ensured persistence of a full range of intact, ecologically functional habitats that are minimally degraded or disturbed by humans and protected habitat for numerous species of global conservation concern, including the Asian elephant and over 40 threatened species
Public Comment Period: 2 May 2016 – 2 June 2016
picture from finchlake2000 on flickr creative commons