Wetlands store more carbon than almost any other type of land; their destruction, largely through anthropogenic draining and degradation causes some of the most intense greenhouse gas emissions. To address this significant problem, Restore America’s Estuaries is proposing a new VCS methodology, the Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration which provides procedures to quantify net greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals resulting from project activities implemented to restore tidal wetlands. Such activities could include creating and/or managing the conditions required for healthy, sustainable wetland ecosystems.
Projects applying this methodology can be located anywhere in the world and would generate greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals by increasing both biomass and soil carbon.
As with any proposed methodology, the first step in the VCS methodology approval process is to solicit public comments. To that end, I would encourage you to take a close look at the proposed methodology, and offer your thoughts, both pro and con. This comment period began on 11 February 2014 and will end on 13 March 2014:
- Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration; Restore America’s Estuaries
A webinar describing this proposed methodology will be held on 20 February at 11 am (EST). Register for the webinar by click this link.
Comments on the methodology are invited and may be submitted by contacting the VCS at secretariat@v-c-s.org. Comments must include a name, organization, country and email address.
Learn more about other methodology elements under development and the VCS methodology approval process.